
Name: Shion Mizutani

Age: 21

Gender: Cis Guy, He/Him

Title: Ultimate Exorcist [Really Ultimate Medium, but says Exorcist because it sounds cooler]

Birthday: December 22nd (Capricorn)

Orientation: Gay

Height: 6'1"



Perceptive - Shion is quick to notice things, even if they are subtle.

Loyal - Shion will always be there to support those he cares about, regardless of circumstances.

Thoughtful - Shion is attentive and considerate of other people.


Laid-back - For the most part, Shion is rather relaxed and chill. He's approachable, but can come off as lazy or tired. Though...he's usually tired.

Persuasive - Shion knows just what to say to get people at least considering his point of view.


Vindictive - Shion is a firm believer in the eye-for-an-eye mentality, and then some.

Meddlesome - Shion is a nosy sort, and he gets in people's business all the time. He often has good intentions, but that doesn't make it any less aggravating.

Sadistic - Shion enjoys seeing people who wronged him suffer.


Rain - "It's calming. Helps me chill, or sleep, if the universe decides to be nice."

Loose/Baggy Clothes - "I like having room. Y'never know."

Blanket Forts - "I make them with Saki [little sister] all the time, I've started doing it myself. It's like makin' a little nest."


Cracks in Concrete - "It's not even a superstition thing. If it's cracked, it probably isn't stable anymore, and I don't feel like testing that."

Gingerbread - "Ugh. How can anyone stand it?"

Amusement Parks - "Too loud, too bright, too….everything. The food isn't even good. Not my kinda place."


[Surface Level] Horses - "...No. Those things could trample a person and not bat an eye, I do not want to go near them."

[Introspective] Loved Ones Dying Unexpectedly/Before He Can Say Goodbye- "..."


Owns two rats - Sadako and Asami.

Yes, he can actually see ghosts. He does not recommend it. 

Has insomnia. Is often trying to sleep, but rarely gets more than a few hours a night, if he's lucky.

Design Notes: Hoodie is baggy, and the hood has a Gengar face and ears