
Name: Rin Komatsu

Age: 20

Gender: Nonbinary, He/They

Title: Ultimate Meteorologist

Birthday: April 30th (Taurus)

Orientation: Ace Bi

Height: 5'7"



Diligent - Rin is thorough, and a hard worker! He sees everything through to its full completion. 

Protective - Rin will do anything to make sure those they care about are safe and sound.

Modest - Brash as he is, Rin isn't arrogant, instead rather humble and self-aware about his own importance and talents.


Emotional - Rin feels everything to a high degree, and they think with their heart more than their head.

Tough - Rin is not battered down by hardships and can overcome them. However, with their emotional endurance comes a guarded wall that prevents others from bonding with him easily. 


Quarrelsome - Rin has a hot temper, and he's quick to start arguments or fights if he feels provoked.

Crass - Rin is incredibly blunt and vulgar in their speech. Why bother censoring their thoughts?

Resentful - Rin feels bitter towards those with "better" lives than him, thinking they are likely ungrateful or oblivious to what they have. And why didn't he get a good hand in life, huh?


Stargazing - "It's a nice way to wind down. Makes you feel small, but in a good way."

Swimming - "What's better than a dip in a pool when it's warm out?"

Baking Shows - "The amount of talent that goes into that shit is incredible. I like seein' what people can do."


Almonds - "They're just not that good. Stop trying to say they are."

Riddles - "A load of bullshit with convoluted answers made to make people feel stupid. You can fuck right off with that."

Waking Up Early - "If I gotta get up, you better hope the shit you're makin' me do is worth it."


[Surface Level] Needles - "No way. I don't want you poking shit into me."

[Introspective] Not Being Able to Save or Protect Loved Ones/Not Being Present In a Crisis - "..."