⚠️;; Collin



2 years, 11 months ago


collin james hall


placeholder bc the last one sounded alpha male







Pencil, Leo




13th April


Neutral Good








I Am Not A Robot - MARINA

About Collin...

Collin comes across as an uncaring, judging, and cold man. While the latter is true in a psychical sense (being a gargoyle and whatnot), none are true when talking about his character. Underneath the bitter persona he shows everyone he has a massive heart fillied with a lot of love and care for many people, the most notible of which being his partners and brother figure. Having had a rough a rough past and no biological family, he threw himself on the front lines of the small but steadily growing uprising against the kingdoms corrupt monarchy. Now in love with the man he was sent to kill and another he visits often for stitches, he has to navigate a world where things don't seem to be as black and white as he had thought while also juggling his responsibilitys as a man-babys second hand man.


  • Collin's way of speaking is very jarred, and not at all smooth.
  • Collin has a hard time idenitfying his emotions, and has to be told outright that he's fallen for someone.
  • Collin is agender biologically, though identifies as male. He refuses to label his sexuality.



Extroverted Introverted
Instinctive Calculated
Deceptive Sincere
Indifferent Emotional
Reserved Affectionate
Cooperative Lone wolf




dom. hand






  • Understanding
  • Responsible
  • Loyal
  • Closed off
  • Uptight
  • Reclusive


Collin is a hard person to read, and even those close to him struggle to guess what he's thinking. He's a realist, always thinking through his actions before actually enacting them. Unfortunately, while he can understand others emotions he'll always prioritize their physical health over their mental healths, often leading to himself getting hurt and his loved ones worrying.



Height 6"3
Weight 326.587kg's
Body type Ectomorph
Hair type 2b
Style Random


Collin's mask is made out of metal, with a sturdy screen that shows an audio line when he speaks. When he's silent, it shows a straight line with cartoonish fangs, as suggested by friends and family. The line acts as a light- said light a wave of rainbow- though he can switch it off if needed, such as during stealth missions and sleep. Collin never takes it off, too insecure about the damage to his jaw.

Gargoyle Features

Collin's wings are nonfunctional, serving as two large slabs of stone that only get in the way. Fortunately, his wings have a rotation feature that means he can tuck them into the back of his sash. Due to them not actually serving their purpose as wings, the only use he gets out of them is aesthetics and two heavy items to ground him when he begins to panic. Without his wings he's sure he'd feel weightless, which is why he hasn't removed them from his body. Due to being made of limestone, he's described as rough and people are always suprised by the rocky texture of his skin.


Collin's most notible scar is one he hides underneath his mask. Chunks of rock have been chisiled away, making his teeth visable among other things. A good portion of stone is missing, and this is one of his main insecurities. His other smaller scars he doesn't mind, such as his scratch on his left arm and the small dents in his skin. Very few have ever seen his scars under his mask, and even fewer have reacted calmly.


Collin wears one outfit and one outfit only. Along with his mask, his shoes light up when he runs. This is something he has to turn off during missions, but something he enjoys outside of them. He swaps out his shirt and pants for others, all of which are the exact same size, brand, shape and design. His gloves and belt chains are the only things he'll wear other versions of, all of which being colorful and rainbow specific. His gun holster-sash is always on his person. only set aside for sleep.

Design notes

  • His scars don't need to be exact or specific outside of his arm scratch and damage under the mask.
  • Collins wings are like a typical gargoyles, if not a bit smaller.



What He Can't Remember

It worked. It finally worked.. Do you want to see him?

Pencil wasn't born a Hybrid. He was born a human, as both his father and mother were human. Pencil was a subject used in an experiment that had been going on for decades before he was born. The experiment was to try fuse hybrid limbs with human bodies as some kind of cosmetic surgery. Pencil was the first successful attempt, which is why the Queen favors Pencil so much more than her eldest, Suede.

His time in the Castle

No, I don't think he deserves to be Prince. I keep finding his crown in the trash.

Pencil wasn't known to be a very friendly person in the Castle. Not to the staff, not to his family. Pencil wouldn't snap at the Queen, but that's only because he had commmon sense. Pencil detests his title, feeling like the title isolates him from kids his age when all he wanted was to have some kind of friend group. Pencil spent as much time as he could in his room, though he was often dragged out it.

What he's up To

I don't trust him. He came from that castle, what's to say he's any different to everyone else there?

Pencil ended up finding out about the experiments, and how they obtian the parts of the Hybrids. Horrified, and unaware that he was one of the experiments himself, he ran away with Collin and became apart of a.. Very interesting revolution. Their goal is to expose what The Queen is doing, and to save the remaining Hybrids. There's just one huge problem Pencil can't seem to figure out though- How to tell the leader that the group he was aiming to save in the process, his main focus and motivation, was dead.. And Pencil had been there for the execution.



emotionally constipated rich boy
  • Judgemental
  • Cowardly
  • Overdramatic
  • Loud
Life is a prison and being your brother is maximum security.
rainbow elf on a moterbike
  • Blunt
  • Rational
  • Caring
  • Insecure
I want to spend the rest of my life with you. No Homo.
short girraffe medic
  • Quiet
  • Shy
  • Sensitive
  • Soft
Oh my God, you are just a Ray Of Sunshine?? Thank you????