


3 years, 3 days ago


"... Built to slay and conquer all those with teeth of beasts... "

 NAME   Ignatius 

 AGE   23 

 HEIGHT   6'1" 

 GENDER   Male 

 ORIENTATION   Straight 

 SPECIES   Humanoid 

 RACE   Human 

 OCCUPATION   Knight (Dragon Slayer) 


  • jousting
  • racing horses
  • courting the ladies
  • friends with nautilus


  • dragons and other creatures
  • necromancy
  • cold weather
  • dislikes caladrius somewhat
  • hates corvuss


  • his armor can differ from the typical black plate, it can also be decorated with spikes or other horns
  • he can have wings or no wings. they are based off the polish hussar
  • he originally wanted to claim a dragon for his emblem, as another knight of the Order of Ignis had it previously and then passed away, but caladrius claimed it first, so he settled for a black swan.
  • he is exceptionally knowledgable on the lifestyle of various monsters and thus how to slay them


Ignatius is a natural extrovert, and he has acquired many friends throughout the years. Many of his allies he has not met, but are still acquaintances through his family history of knights (the Order of Ignis). Some of his close companions may grow tired of his short temper, though it is not enough to spur them to hatred. Ignatius on the other hand, is very quick to show ire towards those who get on his nerves. Thus he has a short temper, but isn't all that bad despite his intimidating armor. His horse, Gravy, is a mare adopted from a meat auction. She was auctioned off due to biting and kicking, but Ignatius rescued her. He keeps this a secret along with many other good deeds, leading some townspeople to have a false perception of him.


Ignatius is truly a force to be reckoned with. When set upon a task, he is hellbent on accomplishing it, and little can get in his way. He holds chivalry and justice very close to his ideals.


Ignatius hails from a long family history of knights, known as the Order of Ignis. They are native to Oritolia. In the past few decades, black and red armor has become a staple tradition of his family. He hopes to become like his forefathers, and accomplish legendary deeds as they have done.


The Order of Ignis are among one of the most notable families of knights in the kingdoms. Sir Favian is the grandfather of Ignatius, and at 26 he arrests Corvuss who is 17 at the time. Sir Ustrino, Ignatius's father, is an infant at this time, but 34 years later Ignatius is born. Ignatius was knighted at 21.  

You can use any image in his gallery as reference (even images that are not in the "ref" category, go ahead), as well as give him new outfits, etc.

His wings and plume are optional, you can give him real wings if you wish instead of the Hussar armor wings. Also the feathers can be black, red, or white, up to you.
The main feature of him is that his armor is black and his helmet has horns, you can alter, remove, or simplify anything else. You can also make him more complicated if you wish.