Kitsu anne's Comments

Anyone from my th peak your fancy?


I can do $5!!

awesome, tysm! please pay me at [email protected] and ill send kitsu over!


I got a wacky pop up saying I need your PayPal first last and country name ??? Really odd but if you want to pm me we can maybe get it sorted out- unless you just want to send it and then delete the comment once it sends issuevekdhdbdnd

Never had this pop up before but it says since I'm sending you money for the first time ?


Nvm I got it-

oh haha great!


Thank you so much for such a pretty character omg 😭😭 I literally love their design so much omg-



It sent!! 

any1 in my th interest u? ( folders 0,1, 2 offlimits )

I like lucifer and yuki 

ah ill pass, tysm though :((

anyone in my th? i can also do art!

nty ^^

do you see anyone in K0w then?

sadly no, sorryÂ