


6 years, 9 months ago

Basic Info


Steven "ppowersteef" Surname


Holy Warrior





Hair Color

Red with Yellow outlines


Blue Iris, sclera can turn yellow

Favorite Color






Weapon of interests

Magic swords, fire


Fire, Light, swords and Shotguns


The main character, also known as Steven, or Steef in short.

An adventurer that keeps visiting different universes.

Steef was my first character I've drawn, And he's representing me in his universe.
he has a similair appearance when it comes to interests, likings and purposes. and also wears my logo on his shirt.
He became the paladin / Holy warrior type. He fights against evil. And has a strong sense of morality, and prefers to follow the path he feels right about it.

He has a strong belief in an entity that guides his life, so called the 'spirit of control', and is willing to put his whole life and trust into the spirit that aids him during his battles.
The bond has become so strong in similairities. That he developed a living flame in his heart. Which he calls the firepower.

The strength of the said firepower depends on his own determination, a stronger willpower keeps the flame growing and lasting.
Due to this, he cannot use it's strength during training or competitive play, but once he's aware what's at stake, it'll grow stronger on it's own.
It's said Steef's sclera in the eyes turns yellow when the firepower is active on a major scale.
He had issues controlling the flame inside of him, but after he knew how to use it, he took his power with a deep responsibility.

The yellow sword he carries is the Lightrand
The Lightrand is a sword made of Solarstone, a gold colored material that's able to absorb high amounts of sunlight in a cubic centimeter.
When used in combat, if the Solarstone gets damaged by scratches, it'll unleash the sunlight it stored in it. causing an explosive burst of light.

While that's just a scientific effect, it has been considered sacred as the years passed. And rumors sprout that the sword has been blessed.
The source of the raw Solarstone is however lost, That's because it looks like a plain rock if it no longer contains sunlight. So it couldn't be researched anymore.

Steef discovered that the Solarstone in the Lightrand is able to conduct heat and flames, causing the blade to be heaten up, making it glow.
In combination with Steef's firepower, it's also able to flare a "fire of light". giving the flames a golden color.
Due to this, the hilt lacks a grip wrapping, so it's possible to heat up the sword with the hand.
If it cools down after heaten up, it'll cause it to temper itself. recovering itself from the scratches it caused.

Contrary to popular belief, the sword can be used by anyone, but it'll only light up if it's in contact with a hot source.