


2 years, 11 months ago


Basic Info
Name: Quinn, Ande, Glitch

Age: 15

Gender: -- Female?

Species: Rat

Sexual Orientation: --

Rank: The New Goddess of the Sun and Moon

Due to many surgeries and because she is the holder of a gem, Quinn's history is almost completely unknown to her. Powerful gems holding magic have the power to corrupt or cripple living beings if they hold them for too long. Quinn holds the gem of Andesine, the goddess of the sun and moon, and because of this, Quinn frequently has mental and physical problems.

The gem of Andesine is very picky with it's holders- they have to be a small animal, and they have to be almost abnormally kind. With this, it was given to Quinn, who had offered to take on the role without the knowledge that it would hurt her. Because Andesine's gem is the most powerful of all gems, it was broken into pieces to make it easier to handle. Quinn holds two in each arms and one in her throat. As the rat's body started to deteriorate, she was given enhanced body parts to help her, the gem being held inside the new body parts.

Now she is the sole protector of the gem- holding it in the Temple of Andesine in Agnidev, her home town. She found a fainted and ill Catia deep in the forest nearby, and took her in to care for her. Catia and Quinn formed a mother-daughter relationship once Catia was able to care for herself and the small rat.



??- Mother

Catia- Best friend/Mother (Catia)


Quinn's species and colors were changed! Which is .... weird and I have to get used to it....

Quinn is called the glitch because of how fast she deteriorated. She often has outbreaks of panic and agitation, like other holders before her, but it happened much quicker and easier 

She is very depressed, and her personality is very different from how she acted before