


2 years, 11 months ago

Basic Info

Name and Pronunciation

Arieties | uh-rye-eh-tees | ərietiːs

Date of Birth and Age

January 2000 | 21 years old

Place of Birth


Gender and Pronouns

AFAB | non-binary | they/them




Caribou | Mule Deer


English | French | Hungarian


5'6" | 66in | 167.5cm


160lbs | 72.6kg



Limb Dexterity

Left-handed | right-footed


Easygoing | Anxious | Introverted


Writing | Running | Languages | Baking


Shakespeare | Tea | Stormy days | Cuddling | Fireplaces

Most Hated/Dislikes

Lonergan | Coffee | Summer | Being alone | Being overstimulated


Being forgotten | Volcanoes | War | Losing friends | Incompetency


Reading | Writing | Relaxing | Collecting books


Physical Description

Detailed Physical Description: Arieties is a caribou/mule deer hybrid. He has the facial structure and features of a reindeer, so he has no chinstrap strip and he has a bulkier nose. He does have the traditional cleft stripe of deer - most of his upper lip is black between his lip and his nose. He has the color patterning of a mule deer aside from his facial features, meaning that he is largely medium-brown with a tan or beige belly and his tail is brown on top with a black stripe around it and white on the underside of his tail. Being transgender and post-top surgery, Arieties does have two scars on his chest - one under either pec - and should be drawn with these scars if he is drawn shirtless. Arieties does have a bit of a mane around his neck, as caribou do, and it is medium-brown until the front of his neck, then tan or beige as his belly is. His antlers are thinner than a caribou’s, much like a mule deer, and they grow back as mule deer antlers do. Currently, Arieties’s antlers each have four points and are symmetrical. His antlers are an off-white color, almost a brown-tinted ivory. He can be drawn either with hooves or human-style extremities. If drawn with hooves, they are black or charcoal in color.

Typical Clothing: Arieties, being an animal sometimes with antlers, has a large amount of button-up clothing. When his antlers have grown large enough, Arieties almost solely wears outfits that may include a button up or no shirt at all: suits, business-casual attire, swimming outfits (trunks - no speedos), etc. The exception to this is when he wears an over-large hoodie with a neck hole large enough to slide over his antlers. When without antlers, Arieties loves his hoodies and does his best to wear them whenever possible, though he does continue to dress up for work. Occasionally, when without antlers Arieties will wear turtlenecks.


Philosophy of Life: See: Plato | Life, to Arieties, is the pursuit of knowledge and the sharing of that knowledge. As Plato explains through his Allegory of the Cave, Arieties believes that living a fulfilling life means suffering to gain the greatest knowledge possible and risking scorn, disdain, or even death by spreading that knowledge. Arieties differs from Plato, however, by seeing luxury as something one can reasonably earn. It is enough in life to both know things and to be comfortable.

Attitude Toward Death: Arieties claims that he does not fear death, yet three of his greatest fears stem from it. He does not necessarily believe in an afterlife, but he fears being forgotten and how can one be remembered if there is no afterlife. He does not believe that death will be painful, but he fears that a volcanic or other violent death, as in war, will be painful in the moments leading to it. Arieties does not fear death in itself, but he fears the living consequences of death.

Additional Notes

Arieties loses his antlers in November or December and they begin to grow back in March. He can be drawn without antlers, with fully developed antlers, or with antlers still in velvet at the artists discretion.