
2 years, 11 months ago

Basic Info

His worth

Honestly around like $300 at this point 😭💖

Voice claim

He sounds like a mix between dongpo pork and sweet and sour pork from the tale of food if they had a love child with ban from seven deadly sins and Isaac foster from angels of death


⚠️ TW ⚠️ there will be dark topics in this. Read at your own risk

Hades is a very cocky and flirty person with a huge god/superiority complex. He loves to fuck with people in all kinds of ways and he finds joy in seeing how they react. He also tends to be very sassy at times and is sarcastic af. He is as stubborn as a bull and incredibly chaotic with dumbass energy(he also is a literal dumbass. Mf always forgets you can't put foil in microwaves. It has costed many microwaves but at least Ooo pretty colors 😔). He is also hypersexual and a bit of a whore

But despite these things he also has better qualities to him like his humor. He likes to make jokes and make people laugh a lot(although most his jokes tend to be a bit sexual or dark humor) he's also very kind to the people he likes even if that may be very few. Don't be mistaken though cause he will still bully the ppl he likes and be mean🥲 just in a more loving and joking around kind of way. 

There is much more to his personality and qualities that I have yet to write down but for now just think hellsing abridged alucard meets Joseph joestar(jjba), Klaus Hargreaves(umbrella academy) and ronaldo(the vampire dies in no time) some of my top kins look so concerning when I look at it like this. Pls the fact I am exactly like 3 of em is even more so concerning💀 

A few things hades enjoys is of course murdering and torturing people(he is a demon after all),collecting random objects that are shiny or just stupid. He also likes to collect other things though like anime figures,Manga and plushies(he adores the Halloween squishmallows or anything that is a bat,cat,rat or dragon),he loves cheese. He would die for cheese. He would kill for cheese. Or burritos, he LOVES Halloween cause best holiday and it is a very special holiday for him. It is held dear in his heart for many reasons, spicy food,horror movies,the adams family, beetlejuice,deadpool cause yes and music! He is learning guitar and the drums and really enjoys it. Music is amazing to him and he absolutely loves it 

A few things he doesn't enjoy are chocolate(there are some exceptions but he despises most. Milk chocolate makes him wanna vomit. Especially Hersheys),most people cause people annoy tf out of him. He also has social anxiety and the God/superiority complex. So those are some reasons he doesn't socialize with random people irl much,he hates crowded spaces that are very loud(This mainly applies to places like stores,malls and all that. Not so much in some other places),bugs. Almost any kind of them. he will scream and he will cry. He hates them and wishes death amongst them all, most sweets and celery(being anywhere near it scares him. It spells absolutely putrid to him and makes him nauseous. Scary, gross and stringy vegetable)

I say he has a God/superiority complex but it's more like those only last awhile. For some reason at times it will go away and be replaced with a feeling of being useless and all that? It doesn't last and he hates it. But it is an interesting detail

Hades does have a very traumatic backstory and life so far(that I most likely will not write down unless I have the time to alter it a bit cause it's literally mine as he is my main sona. Everything about him is based on or literally me. Except the obvious stuff and how he looks) and because of that he is left with multiple mental disorders like cptsd,depression and all that fun stuff. These tend to affect him a lot though he doesn't necessarily show it most the time or realize how much it does affect him. Other than these he also has adhd,autism,bpd and ocd (ik I am literally suffering over here 😭 not gonna give him it cause that would just be cruel but I also have dyslexia and a few other things. Fucking hate it sm it's so annoying and it makes me wanna scream. And yes all are diagnosed. I don't like the "oh but I did research" bs it pisses me off) 

So when these things or bad memories/thoughts get him down he tries to cope with humor if he can. If not that's really the only somewhat healthy coping mechanism he has. Others are not so great 

Onto more so normal info

Hades is known as the prince of hell and is a non-binary,poly abrosexual that goes by he/they pronouns. Honestly gender wise the mf has no idea what he is but he says non-binary cause he can't be genderfluid in his mind. As he hates the idea of being a women and it makes him uncomfortable(this is why he thinks he can'tbe genderfluid). Though he does either feel like a guy or like something other than the normal 2. He also has a huge preference for men. Since he is abrosexual his sexuality changes between mlm and pansexual most. 

Despite him being a demon he does have a huge fear of dying and it will cause him to have panic attacks. He doesn't know if it's the uncertainty if what's after or in general(it's kinda funny cause he is suicidal 💀)