Branchpaw (Katniss)



6 years, 11 months ago



Full name of Character: Branchpaw (Katniss)

Reason, meaning or purpose behind the name: Her brown pelted coat has the same texture as a branch

Nickname: Katniss (Kittypet Name) 

Reason for nickname: Her old kittypet owners thought she acted brave 

Race: Cat

Occupation/class: Apprentice

.Physical Appearance|:.

Age: 8 moons

Eye Color: Green

Fur color length and style: White and Brown / Medium length


Food: Rabbit

Duty: Patrol


Habits: Smacking the other kits for fun

Greatest Strength: Hunting

Greatest Weakness: Being loud and cocky

Soft spot: They're old family

Is their soft spot obvious, why/why not: No, because she is too busy being better than you

Biggest Vulnerability: Falling

Most at ease when: With Stormpaw

Most ill at ease when: Sneezed on by Ravenpaw

Priorities: To become Leader


Mother: Pepper

Relationship with her: Bad

Father: Goat 

Relationship with him: Bad

Siblings, How many, relationship with each: None

Children of siblings: None

Other extended family: None

Close? Why or why not: None


Optimist or pessimist? Why? Pessimist, when something goes wrong she is there to complain

Introvert or extrovert? Why? Extrovert, loud

Drives and motives: To be better than Stormpaw

Talents: Hunting

Extremely skilled at: Hunting

Extremely unskilled at: Collecting Herbs

Good characteristics: Extrovert, Good at Hunting and Battling

Character flaws: Clutz, ADHD


Immediate: To become a Warrior

Long term: To become Leader

How do they plan to accomplish them: Yes

How will others be effected by this: Could become chaotic if she becomes leader