
2 years, 11 months ago



Hart Myrddin
medical and cyber technician



A failed Konika medic, but successful cyber mod technician currently working on the Ascent. He is haunted by a spirit who was separated from their comatose body - a bounty hunter known as Morry who Hart attempted to kill after he coerced him into providing service on the threat of Hart’s loved ones.
While Morry suffers from amnesia he may slowly remember his past and is one of the reasons Hart fled from Konika to the Ascent. Morry primarily tolerates Hart because he is the only one who can help him - he cannot communicate with anyone else or interact with the world nor stray far from Hart.
Hart lives with the fear Morry will either possess and then kill him or coerce him into reuniting Morry with his body and colleagues so he may exact revenge on Hart and his family.
Hart’s only hope is to discover enough about Mory’s associates without letting Morry remember his past or stall long enough to teach a cruel man forgiveness before he inevitably regains his memory.


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[General] Relationship descriptions (if developed / written) are kept organized in Links

[General] If this info exsists it is mainly kept in Worlds.



He grew up poor and aspired to go into the medical field so he could help his family, however when he got older he squandered his chance to go into medical school by getting into some deep trouble with his friends.

What he did learn in his short time studying he used to start doing off the books cyber modification work in Konika, but he got mixed up with the wrong people due to his clients and was coerced by a cruel bounty hunter known as Morry. To protect the ones he loved he intentionally botched Morry’s procedure, but instead of actually killing him, Morry's body fell into a coma and his consciousness was split from his own and bound to Hart. Now a suspect in the attempted murder of Morry and haunted by his amnesia stricken spirit, Hart immediatly fled the planet.

Hart applied to live and work on the freighter Ascent as an assistant medical and cyber mod technician (a special opportunity due to Brodin’s openness). Morry tolerates Hart because he is bound to Hart and cannot stray from him, nor can he communicate or interact much with the real world so he knows he must rely on Hart to help him. Morry can, however, possess Hart for short periods of time which he can and will do when he doesn't get his way or - when he's feeling particularly impish - just to screw with him.

Hart lives with the ever-looming fear that Morry will regain his memory and either possess and make him kill himself or coerce him into surrendering to Morry's gang, riuniting Morry with his body and Morry exacting his wrath on him and his family. Hart can only hope that he either discovers enough about Morry’s colleagues without triggering any of Morry’s memories or stays hidden long enough to teach a violent man forgiveness before his memory is inevitably restored.