
Name: Robin Spencer
Age: 18
Gender: Cis Male
Sexuality: Greysexual
Height: 4-5
Birthday: 26/6
Species: Elf

Occupation: Mythril Academy Student
Magic: Death and Secondary Mind
Skills: Magic, Mind Reading, Necromancy,
Goals: To Learn as much about magic as possible


- Robin Is timid and quiet in class but is thirsty for knowlage and thus quite a rebel when it comes to forbidden magic. Hes suprisngly cranky and hot headed.
- He is involved with some underground magic scenes.
- Very Polite and quiet, but if you know him well enough he will show is psycotic side a bit more.
- When Knowlage hungry Robin will do anything to get it. He tries to stay moral but is weak.
- Has a dead guy for a roommate, who he revived once, and now is forced to cater to him to avoid being reported to the police. (he doesnt have the heart to kill him)
- His fastination with magic and magic folk has lead him to many of bad situations.
- He peforms 'consenual' experiments on his revived roommate, but it puts him into debt to him. He dislikes his roommate immensly.
- He donates regually to a Vampire in his building, they have a close relationship and the choker he wears is a way of Robin showing that he is 'theirs'. Its typically a healthy friendship but the Vampire DOES get a bit possessive sometimes.

Brought For: 25$
Current Worth: TBA