Qi Wuzhou



3 years, 3 days ago


Current age: 32

Gender: Male

Race:  Watchmaker [Closed View]

Setting: Watchmakers

Brief Information:

- He is an ordinary healer in the capital of Khashain. Many people and Sentries come to him for help if they are sick.
- Qi Wuzhou makes medicines himself and goes to the mountains or other settlements for herbs and other things. He had seen many things... And fought with many.
-Due to the fact that he has visited many places, he is not surprised at anything. He is always calm and can make important decisions on a cold head thanks to this.
- He is merciful, so he cannot refuse to help.
-He always has something to do. At least, if there is a free minute, he will give it to training or meditation.
- Does not eat meat and fish. It takes only vegetables, fruits, herbs and other products for food. Due to the fact that in their country they believe that God often visits the world in the guise of animals, many refuse to kill scott and eat meat. However, some do not consider this a rule, because according to their judgments, God would definitely not allow himself to be killed by ordinary mortals.