


2 years, 11 months ago


Fur Type

Torrential Downfall

Ambitious• Commanding • Guileful • Sententious

The son of one of Starlight cities founders, Qavis was born with power at his fingertips, both magical and social. Though the city started small in comparison to some human metropolitan areas, it was under his grand aspirations it became the mega-city it is today. Though his family once held a more formal governmental role in the city, today he has stepped back to focus on his infrastructure company, this however doesn't mean that he isn't pulling the strings in places from the shadows.

The power that Qavis wields had been unseen in his family lines for generations. With the power to move water and control the tide, he has elemental aptitude that has led to some terrible disasters in the name of chasing grandeur. Time has been a great aid for him in learning to control his powers, but time is nothing to those that have lost their lives.


  • Tailored Clothes
  • Black Coffee
  • Analytical work
  • Staying in shape


  • Not having Power
  • Sweets
  • Bleeding Hearts
  • Clingy People


The only living heir to his fathers legacy in Starlight city. It was guaranteed that Qavis would gain his powerful position in time, but none expected him to inherit it at such a young age, nor did they expect him to command it with such prowess.

Qavis was the pride of his family, a sweet boy with a gentle temperament, with unbelievable magical powers even when he could barely walk. He was given everything by his parents, whom as part of the foundation of Starlight city were very well off. He grew up very close to both of them, and that loving bond was never shaken from his heart.

Qavis trained tirelessly in his youth to control his powers, but his level of magic shook even his most magically adept tutors. His father never lost faith in his abilities right up to the end of his life.

Qavis had his childhood cut short in a terrible tragedy. On a family vacation to the beach, he was practicing and pushing himself to try and hone his abilities, when his magic spiraled out of control causing the tides to receded and rush back in a torrent. The resulting tsunami washed ashore for over a mile, sweeping away with it the lives of his parents, his older sister and his younger sister. He himself was counted among the lucky living, despite being near drowned. He speculates to this day that the same magic that caused the accident, carried him to safety on the violent waves.

Though there were no living witnesses to his part in the disaster other than himself, rumors still spread about what happened once he returned home, and it became the topic of many conversations whispered behind Qavis' back and in the tabloids. Some even began to speculate that he'd done it on purpose to get his hands on the family fortune sooner.

Today Qavis' dubious past is seldom a thought in his mind, but it has in every way shaped him into the private and cynical man he has become. He worked tirelessly to become a respected individual within Starlight city, making an empire out of his families affluence. Even the most mouthy reporters don't dare to pick at his old wounds. If he doesn't want someone in Starlight city, he knows all the right strings to pull to get them kicked out.

He tends to try and stay on the lawful side of things, but if the thorns in his side are particularly troublesome, he's been known to get away with some more than seedy things.

He once held a seat on the city council and he was good at his job. Great enough even to gain him a mostly favorable image in the city spotlight. His analytical mind and decisive attitude makes him a dependable leader and the city had a great influx of growth, expanding three times it's size, under his jurisdiction. Qavis has since stepped down from the position to focus on his own ambitions, such as his corporations.

AquaFAI (Floodplain Aquifer Initiative) Energy Incorporated has been his focus for the past three decades, an electricity and water management company that laid the grounds for all of Starlights water features and technologies. Today it has grown to a huge conglomerate that has invested in many different fields, from magic technology, manufacturing of water-mobiles and even some talent seeking agencies.

Qavis' ambitions have earned him the ire of many Churiel that live in the area surrounding Starlight, but in his minds eye he is doing what he deems right for all Churiel. As long as the people of Starlight are singing his praises, he has little reason to bat an eyelash at people warning him of hubris.


• Has a soft spot for his kids.

• Good with small amounts of sleep.

• Enjoys a good visit to the Opera.

• Can't maintain intimate relationships.

• The huge lake that Starlight is on was his pet project for over a decade.

• .




Qavis' first born child and the future heiress to his fortune. Despite his greatest efforts to raise a tough business-minded young woman and loosing the battle again and again, he is still very watchful and critical of her. Luckily she has become a smart and well-rounded young woman, just not in the way he had been trying to mold her. There are many rumors as to whether he named his company after his daughter or if he named his daughter after his company. Depending on who you ask, they will paint him as a doting father or a heartless industrialist. Today he makes no move to correct people in their gossip either way. The truth is sure to reveal a weak spot... Right?



His youngest child who he rears with every bit the same watchful eye as he gave his eldest. Qavis finds his efforts in keeping Vanj's attention is much easier, and so he has begun teaching the young boy all the things he will need to run the family company in his absence. Qavis knows that is he is still too young to grasp all the details, so he is especially lenient, but it is proven time and time again that he is raising someone that he would be proud to pass the torch to some day.













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