
2 years, 11 months ago



01 — Profile

Name sho
Nicknames icyhot, half n half
Age twenty two
Gender nonbinary ( he/him )
Height 5'10" / 178cm
Birthdate january 11th
Species snow leopard
Oriet. mlm
Alignment neutral good

Status side sona
Worth $$$
  • sho's markings do not need to perfectly match the ones on the ref sheet. HOWEVER, they do need to mirror each other.

  • sho only has the red spots over his left eye. do not flip it for visibility.

  • the same goes for sho's hair.

  • sho is nonverbal and doesn't facially express much, outside of anger. giving him expressions otherwise is fine, but please keep this in mind!

02 — Personality

Sho is quiet and appears cold on the outside, however he's surprisingly kind and even a little silly, albeit unintentionally, despite the intimidating appearance. He's calm, collected and calculating, but is very solitary and ends up trying to do things himself, as that's what he's used to.

Due to his upbringing, he's incredibly socially inept, and often doesn't understand things that other's might consider normal. Stack that on top of being a brutally honest person who's totally tonedeaf, he has a bad habit of being blunt and saying things that might upset others.


  • sleeping

  • soft/cozy things

  • plushies

  • strawberry sweets


  • loud noises

  • being touched

  • being forced to speak

  • anyone deemed annoying

03 — Moodboard + Playlist


monet issues
chase petra

passion pit

sweater weather
the neighbourhood


outrunning karma
alec benjamin

04 — Trivia

  • Sho's favorite color is pink!

  • He likes any kind of strawberry flavored food.

  • Sho is warm on his left side, and cold on his right.

  • He likes collecting plushies/stuffed animals.

  • Sho's able to create fire from the left side of his body, and create ice from the right.

  • Sho usually uses vague gestures when trying to communicate, but he's beginning to learn sign language!

  • When he does speak, it's usually just one or two words, or just a very simplified/broken down sentence. He's very softspoken.

05 — Relationships

friends / platonic

Surprisingly, these two had a rough start. Due to Sho's solitary nature and being blinded by anger and hatred, he rejected Izu. Fortunately for him, Izu was stubborn, and eventually he was able to get through to Sho to stop suppressing himself and help free him from his self-destructive anger and hatred.

The two are very close now, if not each other's best friends. Whenever he needs help with something, he goes to Izu, as he's one of the few people he trusts and has come to love unconditionally.

friends / romantic?

Their relationship is weird. Initially the two didn't get along much at all and would constantly fight, usually started by Katsu. Constant forced interactions caused the two to bond and relax, allowing them to become friends.

They're usually seen as a pair now, one not without the other. They're closer than what you might consider friends, but they're not a couple, either. Sho has grown accustomed to Katsu's personality, so most of what he does just bounces right off. Sho is unabashedly fond of Katsu, being allowed a closeness with him that no one else would be allowed to have.