Caroline Savage



2 years, 10 months ago


LINKHERE Basic info

Name Caroline Savage

Pronouns She-her-hers



Status Alive

Value Not for sale


Caroline, full name Caroline Savage, is the result of  a experiment when she was human. Is best friend to Clara, who is looking for her. Lightly tanned, dark pink eyes and hair, her hair being a mixture of messy and neat. She has normal human ears, as well as cat ears attached to her head, webbed hands and her bottom half resembling a tail. Her main outfit is a long simple pink dress with a purple and black collar. Her left sleeve is purple while her right sleeve is black.


Best friend
Caroline's best friend since childhood and are very close for as long as they can remember.


Badge name
Badge desc. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi eu volutpat risus, sed scelerisque felis. Nullam non lorem metus. Pellentesque vel mi sed lacus blandit aliquam.


Badge name
Badge desc. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi eu volutpat risus, sed scelerisque felis. Nullam non lorem metus. Pellentesque vel mi sed lacus blandit aliquam.

Personality-Caroline is a brilliant and free thinking girl with a joyful disposition. However, she can also be superstitious, is very strong and tough but can also be vindictive and brittle.

Interests: Americans, makeovers, planetology. Dislikes: Pizza, meteorology, football, clowns

Favourites: Fuschia pink, dahlia, jasmine and orange, homemade jam, children with wings, Winifred Bell, hiking, daydream vibration, hip hop and folk, ice skating, the white oracles, rasgualla, hibiscus, mystery, cotton, sweet chilli, romantic comedy and flamingo

Hobbies: Designing escape rooms, streaming on twitch, canoeing




Mother-Arielle Savage Brothers- Andre, Antoine and Jules Savage  Sisters- Phillipa and Tara Savage

Caroline was born in the country of Asmyae, a small country in the south. She is the fourth eldest out of six children. While her father is unknown, she was born to a astronaut mother. 

In childhood, she met Clara  for the first time, becoming fast friends. At some point she would be taken from home by her country's corrupt group. She experienced harsh treatment, experimentation and her DNA mutated. 

She managed to escape via a pipe, living out her days in the sea.

Voice claim: Coming soon

Headcannons: Coming soon