
6 years, 10 months ago


A purple dragon from the TLoS universe, placed 2 generations before Malefor. 

His starter element is Earth, and when young that's all he can do. As he grows up, he starts to get into his head about not being able to learn the other elements, and suffers greatly with imposter syndrome; what if he's simply a purple-tinted earth dragon? This seems like a mistake, he's clearly not learning enough and his training is leading nowhere. The guardians are wasting their time with him...

Then one day, he discovers his fire.  Shortly after comes wind, ice, and finally electricity closer to adulthood. By his adult years, he has control over most elements that purple dragons should - save for time. This never bothers him and he assures himself he will learn it when the time comes for it, exactly as it was with the elements before that. 

He does evventually learn time. However, it's not until he's the age of guardianship that he learns it, and no elements are as strong as his Earth. His Earth makes it possible for him to create earthquakes and shape the very foundations of the environment. 

Growing up, he was always raised to be a protector to the dragons and their history. Tennar was trained in the fine art of inscriptions, enchantments, and other arts. He was passionate about this and recorded the history as he lived, taking great pride in his ability to remember scriptures and laws off by heart and in some cases he would be able to recall full written articles and books.

He's a gentle giant. A bit clumsy, but he laughs it off. Sometimes he has trouble articulating himself, but he does enjoy 'drawing' and inscribing things as well as writing, but pictures and recreations of past events through manipulation of portals is what he enjoys the most.  He thinks about what he says and is never too reckless, though he is brave, even if the bravery consists of asking others for help when he can't help himself. 


Tennar's story begins with his conception. An earth dragon (TBA) and water dragoness (TBA) had an egg and let it rest in the care of the guardians, for it was a special purple egg and they knew the hatchling would require teaching and care beyond their levels. Tennar grew up knowing his parents though and they would often visit. He learnt everything through the guardians and the other dragons around the temple; back before Malefor's destruction, the temple was surrounded by nesting dragons and a thriving community - tiny still compared to Warfang, but a community nonetheless. 

Tennar was raised by the residing earth guardian, as it was found that his starter element was earth. Purple dragons were assumed to know only one element like the rest of dragon-kind, but it was clear that they easily picked up others as they grew up. This was a well-guarded secret, however. The information was only ever passed down from the Chroniclers to the guardians which were lucky enough to visit the aged dragons. And that happened very rarely. This loss of knowledge and understanding is why Ignitus and the rest didn't know about Malefor's peculiar ability to pick up more than one element. With every new purple dragon, the cycle of 'learning' would begin anew. No purple dragons were ever born at the same time before, as one had to die before the next could be born.

Similarly, this occurred. But it was something new. As Tennar aged and the guardians who had trained him passed on in a tragic event (TBA. Massive collapse in the surrounding forests. The guardians went out to rescue civilians and clear the debris, but all ended up being taken underground (they appeared to fall/sink through sinkholes, and those holes closed up right after). No one survived). A new generation of guardians was being trained - all by none other than Tennar himself. He chose the role and figured it was the least he could do in such difficult and unprecedented times. The guardians were the guardians of Spyro. 

During this training process, a new purple egg had appeared and so another purple dragon was born. Tennar feared the worst for himself. as this meant his end was near. However...The young dragon was in fact the one to perish, though this would happen years later. The young dragon (TBA) would grow up in the same training as the guardians, and would live to be an adult. By this point, they had all grown close together and it seemed as though the young dragon would even be a guardian too, but the curious thing was that he was only able to master a single element - shadow. It was very powerful, and unnatural. But by this point, history wasn't enough to describe the oddities that could occur, so the guardians and Tennar tried their best to research this, though were not overly concerned.

The young dragon would be unfortunate enough to be caught up in dark matters. Turns out, the guardians weren't the only ones who were trying to figure out this single-non-natural-element purple dragon, and he was captured and slain in a devastating battle. This caused an uproar and drove Tennar to use his earth element to its complete potential. Up until this point, no one had witnessed his full fury. Sure, he had used it in battle before - creating shields, throwing enemies up with sudden rocky terrain, even splitting the ground open. But this power was different. Infused with aether, the earth fury created shockwaves that split and tore at the land, making some areas rise up as steep, sharp mountains, while other parts dropped low and became valleys. This area would be split fully and raised during Malefor's influence in the TLoS: DoTD story, easily coming apart due to the previous deep trauma of the land.

By the time Malefor was born, the guardians had fixed the mess and were approaching a new, happier time. Tennar was no longer with them, however. The young dragon was like a son to him, and he died shortly after the young dragon did. Whether it was the age, the heartbreak, or there were even whispers of suicide. No one knew, and honestly, no one needed to know. He simply left one day.

Though some new mountainous areas appear to have formed far East of the land. Who truly knew where those came from...