Evan's Comments

hey!! are u still looking at offers on them? :0

Yup! Still taking offers on em :3

swag >:3

do u see anyone on cbt you like? :0 if not I could do a custom or 2 !!

I'd be up for the customs if that's okay? :0

Would you be able to make a floofy haired boi (but not covering his eyes if that makes sense? ;w; ) based off of this? :0 https://pin.it/aupGxpO <-- for this one, could they be a kitty/koi mix? :3

I don't really have any ideas for the second one, would you be okay with just making whatever? I love all your designs c: if you need any ideas tho, I always have my design likes and dislikes for some ideas ^w^

Sorry for the late reply!! But totally yea!!! :D do u want anthro or humanoid?

and aww tysm!! ;w;; I think I already have an idea in mind actually!! thank u waa

That's okie! c: and either anthro or humanoid works, whichever you think would fit best! :0 If you want me to pick tho, I can decide :D

and you're welcome! >w< <3 thank you as well!

12 Replies

I have some characters here if you're interested:


Or I could draw perhaps a full and a half? Or mix the two offers ^^