
3 years, 9 hours ago



First Name: Cameron

Last Name: Hill

Nickname: cam

Gender: Female 

Age: 21

Species: Human

Sexual Orientation: lesbian

Birthday: october 28th

Life Story: wip


Eye Color(s): green 

Hair Color: ginger

Highlights: n/a

Hair Style(s): short and wavy/curly

Skin tone: fair with warm undertones

Body type: medium frame, average sized

Height: 5'4

Weight: 141 lbs 

 About her  

Personality: doesnt like to talk about her feelings much, even to people who are very very close to her. She is pretty stubborn and can be a brat when she knows shes right. Bad at conveying feelings, and often sounds rude when shes trying to be nice or sincere. She is a well meaning person and wants to help whenever she can, but her selfish and stubborn personality often makes it hard for her to actually do the right thing.

Good Habit(s): ?

Bad habit(s): ?

Like(s): Music, history, when people listen to her, nighttime, 

Dislike(s): when people argue with her, explaining things shes not sure about, talking about feelings

Hobbies: singing/dancing, going on walks, exploring

Allergies: lactose intolerant

Fear(s): death, 

Strength(s): speed, quick thinking, leader skills, well meaning nature

Weakness(es): impatient, bad at conveying feelings, always wants to be in charge, always wants to be right

Special Powers/Abilities:has a *charm* (basically a necklace??) that gives her the ability to heat up parts of her body to a very high temperature. because of this she can burn and also set flammable things on fire by touching them for long enough, but she cannot directly create fire. it also allows her to be very resistant to heat. 

Weapon(s): n/a

Extra: not particularly strong, but is very fast and agile. shes good and reacting and thinking quickly in a fight, even if its not the most logical choice. she relies on her speed in a fight. 

 Talents and Dreams  

 Ambition/dream: to explore the world 

Occupation/Job: keeping the *center* (item that amplifies the effects of ones *charm*) safe and out of the hands of people who would misuse it

Best Class(es): n/a

Worst Class(es): n/a

 Family and Friends  

Parent(s): Laura Hill, (mother) Daniel Hill, (Father)

Sibling(s): Evelyn Hill (younger sister, age 7)

Relative(s): Eliza Hill, (Aunt) Katy Payne, (aunt) Robert Payne, (uncle through marriage), Emily Payne, (cousin)

Best Friend(s): Naomi Muien

Friend(s): Harlow Rowland, Harrison Boyd (sandy), (more to be added)

Crush(es): Harlow

Pet(s): n/a

Rival(s): Harlow, (more to be added) 

Enemy: Glenn Hawkins 


Scent: oranges and sandalwood 

Blood type: ?

Outfit(s): main outfit is a black tshirt over top of a striped black and white long sleeved shirt

Accessories: backpack

Makeup: n/a

Scars: ?

Tattoo(es): n/a

Jewelry: has a *charm*, a type of necklace that are passed down from generations and possess special spiritual powers. 

Piercing(s): n/a