


2 years, 11 months ago


✦ General ✦

Mishka and Sharo's youngest child
15yo, 143cm
Their name means baby rabbit in bulgarian
Genderfluid, they/them, has not thought about their orientation and doesn't wanna think about it tbh

They're not connected by blood to Mishka, but they are his child
Powerful Karakonjuls have the ability to bring young dead children back to life as fellow Karakonjuls. Mishka and Sharo found Zaiche when they were 4-5 years old, freezing and starving to death on the streets during winter. Mishka took pity on them, finished them quickly, then brought them back as a monster to join his family.
They've two older (but not by a lot) siblings, Nu and Pogodi, who like to bully Zaiche, and Zaiche retaliates by getting them in trouble, whether they're guilty or not, but ultimately they all get along ♡

✦ Persoanlity ✦

Very quiet and gentle, doesn't like being the center of attention or asserting themself and prefers to go along with others' ideas. They don't have a strong sense of presence and like it that way
They hate direct confrontation and never stand up for themself, accepting anything, which makes them very easy to bully or push around. They would especially not stand up to anything in public in fear of creating a scene or being disruptive
They aren't, however, indifferent to such treatment, and do take revenge, in their own ways

Karakonjuls are naturally sadistic, some more than others, and while Zaiche is on the far lesser end of the spectrum, they enjoy creating trouble and pinning it on people they dislike or that have tormented them. They are very crafty when need be, and combining that with how they tend to blend into the background and are otherwise very sweet and obedient, they're never suspected. Even Mishka and Sharo needed years to see this side of them, though Mishka is not surprised in the least

They're a huge crybaby and a scaredycat, and prefer to have someone they know and trust with them in anything they do
They hate being alone, so they're very clingy and will follow familiar people around
Eager to please and sensitive to rejection

Zaiche respects Mishka deeply and loves him even more. In turn, he has been nothing but loving, supportive and protective towards them.
However, Zaiche also still remembers, vaguelly, blurrily, the moment Mishka ended their life, and the fear they felt in their last moments. To remedy this, they began thinking of Mishka, their loving parent that takes care of them, and Mishka, the Karakonjul that kills people, as two diferent entities. Because of this though, they can't stand to watch him, and only him, get blood on his hands in any way

Eventually, though it's far in the future, the two talk things out

✦ Notable traits ✦

  • They're very short as a child. However, they have a very late growth spur between 18 and 20, where the grow to be 180cm
  • They prefer light colours and cute clothing, though only wear long skirts
  • They prefer to hide their goat horns with the bow on their head
  • Bestest friends and later partners with Emica
  • They love anything with rabbits
  • Zaiche is a name they picked themself
  • While they've only a few month diference from their siblings in age, Nu and Pogodi have been Karakonjuls for longer, therefore those to are the Older Siblings
  • That said, Zaiche is a few month older than them. Pogodi specifically finds that really annoying, while Nu thinks it's funny