
2 years, 11 months ago

Basic Info

bought for:



he/they, nonbinary masc leaning, bi with a pref for men

he's a stupid fucking stoner, he drinks a lot too!! very tired ALL THE TIME because he's busy running around being a werewolf at night!! he acts tough and blunt and sarcastic around people but when he's closer to people he's soft and doesn't know how to Do Emotions. like he gets all awkward and sweaty <3 he likes bugs a lot!!!! and keeps them in jars sometimes in his room!!! 

 he grows like twice his size when he's a werewolf & so his clothes get pretty ripped up!!! but he wears baggy stuff anyway so it's never TOO tight. he's too lazy to buy new clothes so he just fucking deals with the ripped clothes when he's in his human form. he thinks it makes him look edgier anyways

i imagine him growing in the middle of the night bc he forgot it was a full moon and then he's all disoriented and knocks a bunch of his shit over and then when he comes home from Being a Wolf Outside for the night he like. picks it up and cleans his room again like. fucking god i need to get better at remembering this shit i hate cleaning it up again jesus christ. maybe i should just sleep outside every night so i don't fucking break my room every time i forget it's a full fucking moon

he's the type to say something like . really flirty & suggestive to somebody and then tease them when they get flustered.

he flirts with everyone probably. doesn't really care ?? and then he gets home and he's like. "........... i kinda want a committed relationship"

 he had this guy he met and he was like...... damn he's hot i wonder if this man has a personality that meshes with me???? and then he DID!!! and they were kinda just talking at first and they moved in together but never made anything official. and zac is too scared to be like . uhhhhh i know we hang out all the time and live in the same house and sleep in the same bed but do u..... want to be my./...,.,.. boyf.,.riend..,..,,,,,

he def really just wants a committed relationship where somebody loves him 

he probably attracts ALL the ladies at the club and they're all over him like that one cliche scene where the Big Guy is at the booth with the Hot Ladies on him. and then when hes done with the ladies at the club he comes home to his 'boyfriend' and is like :) ily dude

and they're both ok with it!!! its a very open relationship :]

one night he finally decides to ask cole (his bf) if they're official and it basically goes like this:

*in bed together after a long night*
"hey cole? can i ask u something?"
nervously// " you wanna date?"
"we literally live together"


he's pretty embarrassed about being a werewolf, and he thinks it'll fuck with his boyfriend's view on him so he doesnt know if like. he should tell him or not but he ends up doing it!!! and it pays off because his bf thinks its hot