


2 years, 11 months ago


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A mercenary, growing up in a small mining town.


  • Routine
  • Twilight
  • Blackberries


  • Last minute decisions
  • Cold weather
  • Dishonesty


  • The town Clay originates from names their children after something that has recently come into the family. Clay is from a family of miners, who named their children after whatever they had recently encountered.

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Clay is a person of routine and experience. He is good at his job because he knows what to expect, and knows what to do when things do not go as planned. He is a highly competent person who has learned to rely on his skills to survive, especially since he does not have others to call upon.


  • Reliable
  • Confident


  • Stubborn
  • Overly emotional

  •  Introvert   Extrovert 

  •  Intuitive   Observant 

  •  Thinking   Feeling 

  •  Judging   Prospecting 

  •  Assertive   Turbulent 


  •  Hair Color   Dirty blonde

  •  Eye Color   Green 

  •  Skin Color   Olive 

  •  Height   5'11" 

  •  Clothing Style   Loose, casual 

  •  Skinny   Large 

  •  Curvy   Tall 

  •  Fat   Muscular 

  •  Groomed   Messy 

Clay doesn't put much thought into his appearance. He's very insecure about his scars, but finds himself unable to find a way to hide them without it being more of a hassle than dealing with them. His scars are particularly sensitive, so he avoids restricting clothing around them.

Design Notes

  • Scar across his face, right shoulder
  • Lanky, but muscular
  • Rarely takes his hair down

art by tulomne


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Name: Row

Row is Clay's first love. When Clay's family perished in a mine collapse, Row's family took him in. Clay and Row became partners in excavation, and over the time began to have an intimate connection. Row feared destroying his relationship with Clay by pursuing something more exclusive, and eventually married another. Through a deal with an Old God, Row was cursed to betray Clay, leaving him for dead.


art by tulomne

Name: Reed

Clay met Reed several years after Row's betrayal. Originally seeking him out merely for some kind of sexual fulfilment, the two grew to be close friends (with benefits) over the years. Reed is aro, and has been very up front with Clay about his intents and boundaries with their relationship. He is now one of Clay's closest (and only) friends.


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Name: Silver

Silver is Clay's older sister. He is not that close with her, as she left the family when Clay was very young. But ever since the mine collapse, she is one of his few remaining family members. After Row's betrayal, Clay sought her out. They are not super close, but have a friendly relationship with each other.


    Clay and Row grew up in a small mining town. When Clay's family died in a mine collapse, Row's dads took him in, and Row started working with him. They were mercenaries, specifying in scavenging magical objects. The trade is highly competitive and dangerous, and the two became highly competent in their profession. Over the years their relationship became more intimate. However, Row thinking that Clay was in it out of mostly boredom, and worried that making their relationship more concrete would push him away, Row distanced himself from Clay, and eventually fell for a woman named Quartz. Row married Quartz. Tensions rose over time.


    On an unsuspecting solo job, Row was confronted by an Old God that used the artifact to gain control over Row. For his release, the God demanded a sacrifice, or it was going to kill his wife and child. Row had to make a hard decision, knowing that it would have some kind of outcome on Clay. Row was left to struggle with not understanding the consequences of his decision, and not feeling that he could tell Clay, given their strained relationship.
    The next job they completed together would be their last. A dangerous retrieval that led them into a dark and dangerous cavern. The Old God called on Row. To his horror, Row could only watch, while under the thrall of the God, as Clay slipped and fell down a seemingly endless ravine. There was no way that anyone could have survived a fall that high, and Row walked away empty handed, knowing he had been the cause of his best friend's death. However, the sacrifice demanded was not, in fact, Clay's life. Clay lay, bleeding and broken at the bottom of the ravine, but very much alive. The sacrifice was the insurmountable rift formed between the two, when Clay could do nothing but watch his friend turn his back on him, and leave him to die.
    Ten years passed. Clay left his hometown far behind, surviving on his own and trying to get over the fact that the man he loved left him for dead. He met Reed, began seeing him as a sort of friends with benefits. Reed learned about Row's betrayal, but not about Clay's exact feelings for Row. Meanwhile, Row spent the years thinking he killed his best friend. His marriage fell apart. He still maintained the house that Clay lived in, refusing anyone to move into it even though Clay was long gone.

Present Day

    One night Clay in a new town and gets drunk at a tavern. He ends up hooking up with a man that he swears could be the perfect fantasy of what Row might look like now. The next morning, reporting in for a new job, he realizes that person was Row. Clay first thinks that Row has come back to finish the job of killing him off. At this point Clay has rethought their entire relationship, thinking that Row never liked him at all, and that he betrayed Clay when Row no longer had a use for him. However, over the time spent working on the job, Clay gradually becomes aware that there is more to it than he knows. Now the two have to navigate their relationship, their past, and what their future entails.
    Row's pact with the Old God has not disappeared, and with the two's gradual mending of their relationship, something shifts, far beyond their comprehension.



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