


2 years, 11 months ago



Spirit Cecilia

Pronouns it/its

Birthday November 18th

Age Clearly an adult

Domain: Personified countries and relationships

Species Spirit


Originally a chimera who spontanelously became a spirit, Cecilia is the personal guardian of the spirit Anne. It was kind of a pity hire from Anne, as Cecilia was in a pretty bad state. Cecilia was originally quite annoyed by the idea of working for such an amoral spirit, but it ended up getting quite attached to Anne, and eventually became known as Anne's "guard dog." When Cecilia isn't attached to Anne's side, it's usually drawing like, really really lame art shipping whoever the coolest and most powerful chimera are (said chimera tend to hate each other), and saying some very fascinating things involving society and how it's, like, totally a femcel!

Before it was Anne's cute little guard dog, Cecilia was quite infamous for it's tomfoolery, as it didn't really have anyone to deal with it's problems, so it vented out its frustrations with itself and society by being quite destructive to others. Socially. it was a huge prick. It wanted other chimera who were misunderstood by society to feel like the belonged, but in its attempts to do something good, it ended up fucking so many people ever. Eventually, everything that was going on boiled over, and Cecilia decided to ditch society and become a recluse, and likely wouldve killed itself if Anne didn't find it at the right time.

  • Before it was a spirit, Cecilia was a chimera who had a canonless affinity, a soul aspect and the ability to create clones of itself out of clay. Cecila can still do the clone thing, by the way.
  • Cecilia's source/fandom personified before it was a spirit was countryhumans.
  • For a while between 2019 and 2020, Cecilia was a vent character I used to take out my frustrations with the countryhumans fandom before I forced myself to leave it both out of fear and to keep myself from going insane. I don't draw it as much anymore, but I'm still attached to this little freak of a character.
  • Cecilia's clones have a shocking amount of autonomy, as they seemingly became separate chimera from Cecilia after it became a spirit.
  • Cecilia was one of Jan's clones who gained a mind of it's own. Cecilia thinks that it became a spirit because of Jan becoming a spirit, and at the time, both of them were chimera, so...There must've been some kind of connection?
  • Cecilia, even during the time it was mentally unstable, had a love of somewhat old-fashion and vintage things. It's room in Anne's mansion is filled with random old knicknacks it found, and all of it's clothes are stuff Anne had or things it thrifted. Cecilia claims that it was just "born in the wrong generation."
