


3 years, 2 months ago


any pronouns
Possible redesign soon. / Character is being developed.
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❝ Don't be so quick to judge me. After all,
you only see what I choose to show you. ❞


  • CREATOR/DESIGNER @ okamimiru
  • WORTH $ 60


Death has many names, but in this case, his name is Athelias Blackmane. Even though those who see him as, well, Death; he is a god of both Life and Death, having the ability to both take and give life; eat, create and transform souls... As well as a grand variety of powerful magical knowledge. With these powers and abilities, Athelias follows his duties as a god, mostly indirectly.

This is because Athelias prefers to spend most of his time making bets, contracts, negotiations and even play games with mortals. He sees enjoyment in the willpower and determination that mortals will show either to get something they "think" they desire, or just to keep living. To him, mortal's emotions are an abundant source of enjoyment and entertainment.


  • AGE ❝ As old as time itself. ❞
  • BIRTHDAY ❝ I don't have one. ❞
  • BLOOD TYPE ❝ I don't bleed. ❞
  • HEIGHT 2,8m
  • GENDER ❝ What do you think? ❞
  • PRONOUNS Any pronouns
  • RACE ❝ Good question... ❞
  • ALIGNMENT Lawful Neutral
  • OCCUPATION God of Life and Death
  • ARCHETYPE Omnipotent Master
  • SEXUALITY Demi-omnisexual
  • STATUS Alive
  • BIRTHPLACE Unknown
  • RESIDENCE Unknown
  • RELIGION ❝ Funny... ❞



Athelias a calm, courteous and patient man, very teacherly and kind of fatherly to mortals. He's always relaxed, straight, well behaved... He always looks formal, like of "high society" or a "noble" and well kept. He is very wise and intelligent, which is usually a little intimidating to the mortals who he interacts with. He can come across as slighlty "holier-than-thou", and well, he kind of is, and he does not try to dissimulate it.


However, Athelias Blackmane has problems with compassion, sympathising and understanding with the feelings and emotions of mortals. He has issues both comprehending other's feelings, and comprehending and showing his own emotions, often not showing them at all, but on rare occasions blowing up uncontrolably emotionally. He is a really cold and calculating character, basically accepting and prefering to follow fate and the greater good rather than think about the lives of those who suffer. He is very hard headed and confident about himself, his beliefs, knowledge and ideals. You might even think that he sometimes acts like a small child, not wanting to see why and when he is wrong, not listening, being stubborn.


That gent hath said: "lo, yond who is't dies doest not dissappear - 't simply turns to something new. "

Death is a timeless concept. It existed before there were words to describe it, before there were conscious beings to percieve it. But something that isn't alive, can't die - right?

But that depends on what do you percieve as 'death'. Something that is living, stops - and that is considered being dead. But its remains give life to other beings, like plants. Its body decays, but its legacy moves on through the life of others. When a rock erodes, it doesn't dissapear, it turns into sand and becomes part of the shores. When a star dies, it doesn't just burn out - it explodes into millions of tiny fragments in a burst of life and energy. Same goes for you and me. We become life for something else. Death is Change. Athelias is the embodiment of this. Of life and death, of transition, of transmutation.

But what about our souls, our consciousness? Does it vanish once we die? Does it go somewhere else?

Athelias guides that which makes up our souls to their next destination, their 'next life'. He takes, and gives life.

And thus that gent gaveth me a kiss, bidding farewell and f'rgiving mine own sins.

This was his job since his conception, since his begginings - and between worlds, realms and timelines.

Athelias is a timeless, omniscient and omnipotent being, but that cares for any life as much as someone would care about a little worker ant. They are precious, but tiny, countless creatures with no power on their own. So, since intellectual beings existed, Athelias has meddled with their lifes for his own entertainment. Never in a malicious way, though.

But he enjoys appearing to those in desperate needs, and make up small games for them to play, in exchange for their life.

He still hasn't lost.



that is worth my time


❝ Regrettably, I have yet to encounter someone that piques my interest. ❞


❝ However, if I do, I hope our interaction can last longer than just a lifetime. ❞


  • Trivia.



Athelias takes good care of his appareance, being careful on how he shows his clothing, posture, speech... Even in private, always. He takes care of how he presents himself, manners and class are very important to him. But it comes to a point that he might come off as a bit 'high-and-mighty', possibly because he is a god.



Even though he does not have any apparent problems walking, he never leaves his cane behind. The sound of his cane hitting the ground as he walks is actually a strong tell that he is approaching. Some cultures speak of this noise as a legend, foretelling his arrival. He also uses it to cast magic or use his abilities.


Athelias always needs to be busy doing something, and this usually shows as him fidgeting with his cape, brooch, or with the petals of the golden roses adorning his person.



His speeches are clear, concise, mysterious but wise. He usually talks with indirect meanings rather than saying what he means directly. He's really well spoken, sometimes using complicated words in meaningfull speeches.


He always likes to start a conversation with a question, normally unanswered (or unanswerable) by mortals.


It would take a lot of time to wear out all of his patience for him to even swear. But he does come up with whitty, elaborate yet indirect insults to those who are rude with him.


His jaw does not move when he talks, though it may open or close a bit to show emotion or intention. He commonly only answers in one or two-word sentences, except for the rare occasion he gives a long speech about somehting.


"To be feared as a concept, but unknown as an individual - that is a feeling many can't even imagine."

—to the god of death of another realm

"Depends on the individual. To some, it feels like falling asleep to the sound of the breeze and distant cicadas. To others, it's like closing your eyes and drifting in a body of water. To others, it's like falling to a painful stop. I don't decide, your desicions do."

—to someone about to die

"Death would be relief to you. You don't deserve that."

—to someone who deserves a fate worse than death



His posture is always rigid and upright, always looking down - though not disrespectfully - to others.




His need for a cane stems from something, although unknown.

He does not posess any physical injuries, since his corporeal form can be hardly considered physical.


  • Depression

The life of a God of Death is dreading and tasking - it's draining and endless.

Although not an ailment, Atheliass can occasionally enter in these moments of incredible distress, akin to a psychotic episode, in which he loses control of his physical form and wreaks havoc in many realms. Think of it as a breaking point. It has only happened twice, and carried serious consequences for the living creatures of those worlds.


Vast Knowledge and Magic

Athelias possesses extensive knowledge and powerful magical abilities. His understanding of life, death, and the workings of the universe allows him to manipulate and control souls, as well as perform incredible feats of magic.

Persuasive and Charismatic

Athelias is skilled at negotiation and making deals with mortals. He has a persuasive and charismatic demeanor, making it easier for him to convince others to enter into agreements or play his games.

Patient and Wise

Athelias exhibits a calm and patient nature, which allows him to observe and assess situations before taking action. His wisdom and intelligence aid him in making informed decisions and strategizing effectively.


As a god of Life and Death, Athelias possesses immortality and cannot be killed by conventional means.


This all-encompassing knowledge grants him insight into all aspects of existence, including the past, present, and future. He comprehends the intricate workings of the universe, the nature of souls, and the intricate web of cause and effect.


Lack of Empathy

Athelias struggles with compassion and understanding the emotions and experiences of mortals. This can make it difficult for him to connect with others on an emotional level and may lead to misunderstandings or conflicts.

Emotional Instability

Despite his usual calm demeanor, Athelias occasionally experiences intense emotional outbursts that he struggles to control. These moments of emotional volatility can cloud his judgment and lead to impulsive decisions.

Limited Understanding of Mortal Perspective

Athelias has difficulty comprehending the perspectives and needs of mortals, often prioritizing the greater good or fate over individual lives. This can make it challenging for him to empathize with mortal struggles or show genuine concern for their well-being.

Overconfidence and Stubbornness

Athelias possesses great confidence in his knowledge, beliefs, and abilities. This self-assuredness can make him resistant to changing his views or admitting when he is wrong. His stubbornness may lead to conflicts and hinder his ability to adapt to new situations.

Reliance on Mortals

Athelias derives entertainment and fulfillment from interacting with mortals and involving them in his games. This dependency on mortals' participation may limit his ability to act independently and create a vulnerability if mortals refuse to engage with him.



Time Manipulation

As a god who transcends time and space, Athelias possesses the ability to manipulate time to a certain extent. This power allows him to perceive events across different timelines and make minor alterations to the flow of time. He can slow down or speed up time in specific areas or even momentarily step outside of time itself. This ability gives him an advantage in foreseeing potential outcomes and adjusting the course of events to his advantage.


Touch of Life and Death

As the god of Life and Death, Athelias has the power to both give and take life. This ability grants him significant control over the mortal realm and allows him to influence events and outcomes.


Form Manipulation

His desired form is that of a suited man with a skull for a head, but Athelias can change his corporeal form at will. Between all different forms he can take, the shadow and beast skull motif may still present themselves, sometimes sublty.



Soul Manipulation

As the god of Life and Death, Athelias possesses the skill of manipulating souls. He has the ability to extract, transfer, and manipulate the essence of souls. This skill allows him to perform tasks such as guiding souls to their next destination, imbuing souls with new energy or purpose, and even transforming or merging souls. Athelias' mastery over soul manipulation gives him significant control and influence over the life force of both mortals and spiritual beings.


Arcane Knowledge

Athelias has an extensive understanding of arcane and mystical knowledge. His vast repertoire of magical knowledge encompasses various schools of magic, rituals, and spells. He has honed his abilities to wield magic for a multitude of purposes, ranging from divination and elemental manipulation to healing and enchantments. Athelias' expertise in the arcane arts grants him immense power and versatility in harnessing and manipulating magical forces.


Game Master

Athelias excels at crafting intricate games, challenges, and negotiations for mortals. He possesses a keen strategic mind and an innate ability to gauge the strengths, weaknesses, and motivations of individuals. As a skilled game master, Athelias sets the rules and terms of his games, often involving high stakes and profound consequences. He weaves complex webs of riddles, trials, and tasks to test the mettle and resolve of those who engage with him. His proficiency in creating captivating and suspenseful games ensures that mortals become fully immersed in the challenges he presents.











  • Long walks
  • Mortal emotions
  • Games, bets, gambling...
  • Baking and Pastries
  • Live Music


  • Being seen as a monster or demon
  • Those who think they can cheat death
  • Cold coffee
  • Hostile gods / immortals
  • Those with no respect for other beings


  • DRINK Coffee
  • FOOD Coffee (Again)
  • COLOUR Red
  • NUMBER 7
  • FLOWER Rose
  • ANIMAL Cat
  • WEATHER Light Rain
  • SEASON Autumn
  • TIME OF DAY Twilight
  • SMELL Fresh baking




Baking allows him to embrace the tactile and creative process of bringing ingredients together, and he finds joy in sharing his culinary creations with mortals, finding satisfaction in witnessing their delight as they savor his delicious confections. He usually uses this as a way to make 'dying' less impactful to mortals and to help them cope with it.



Athelias has a deep appreciation for music and is skilled in playing the piano. The elegant and melodic notes he produces resonate throughout his ethereal abode, providing him with a sense of tranquility and a means to channel his emotions. He enjoys using the piano as a means to connect with the ethereal realm and unlock hidden emotions within himself.



He delights in cultivating vibrant and diverse gardens, carefully tending to a multitude of plants and flowers. Gardening allows him to nurture life and witness the beauty of growth and transformation firsthand.



His primary goal is to maintain the delicate balance between life and death in the universe. This involves guiding souls to their rightful destinations, preventing the misuse of life-giving or life-taking powers, and safeguarding the natural order. He strives to ensure that the cycle of life and the transition of souls occur smoothly and without disruption.


Experience Mortal Existence

Despite being a god with vast powers and knowledge, Athelias secretly yearns to experience mortal existence firsthand. He dreams of temporarily shedding his divine nature and assuming a mortal form, complete with the full range of mortal emotions, sensations, and limitations. This stems from his fascination with the intensity of mortal experiences, the fleeting nature of mortal life, and the depth of emotional connections that mortals forge. This dream drives him to observe mortals with a mix of envy and admiration. He keeps this dream a secret.



He fell in love with a mortal once. But she just wanted to take advantage of him. Since then, Arhelias promised himself to never comit that mistake again.


Losing Control of the Cycle

Athelias fears a catastrophic disruption in the cycle of life and death, which could result in chaos and imbalance. The thought of losing control over the transitions of souls and the balance of existence fills him with trepidation. He strives to prevent any event or force that could upset the natural order and plunge the universe into disarray.


  • Behind his skull, theres black mist coming out of the neck of his shirt. You may interpret it as a black neck if needed.
  • No skin ever shows between his clothes. But if needed, portray his skin as completely pitch black.
  • His hands are covered in black gloves.
  • You may adorn his cape with as many golden roses as you'd like.
  • Cape is completely optional tho.


  • No pupils show from his eye sockets, except the ocasional shine of any color used to portray emotion or intention.
  • His skull is mostly intact, but you may add scars, cracks or even missing chunks if needed.
  • His cane is a simple two-piece golden cane, with an intricate golden rose design on its hilt. The cane can also turn into a rapier just for fun.
  • Interpret his shadow / black parts as ink if you'd want, its cool!!!



Athelias is incredibly tall, with an almost 'built' shape; though its leaning more towards the 'average' spectrum.


He's built like a tower, unironically.


Angular almonds, akin to stylized dragon-like skulls.


Like a mix between a ram skull, a deer skull and a dragon skull. Four horns, sharp canines.



  • He posseses quite a couple of pocket dimensions, where he enjoys just passing the time, pondering into the abyss or thinking about the universe, as a god does.

    • Astral Observatory.A celestial observatory where he studies the movements of stars, planets, and cosmic phenomena. It serves as a sanctuary where he contemplates the mysteries of the universe.

    • Ever-changing Library. Athelias maintains an expansive library within his ethereal abode, filled with countless tomes and scrolls containing knowledge from across realms and timelines. Interestingly, the library itself is known to shift and rearrange its shelves and corridors, as if guided by a sentient force. It is said that the library has a mind of its own, responding to the needs and curiosities of those who seek knowledge within its hallowed halls.

    • The Garden of Whispers A hidden oasis within his realms, the Garden of Whispers is a pocket dimension where secrets are whispered by the winds and the flora holds untold wisdom. This enchanting garden is a sanctuary of tranquility and introspection. Its ethereal beauty is composed of vibrant and exotic flowers, towering trees, and meandering pathways.

  • Athelias originated form the convergence of the remains of two ancient gods. The combination of both created a being of both life and death, a creature of unstable balance.

  • It might be surprising, but Athelias has fallen in love a couple times, most of the time with mortals.

  • Athelias marks mortals he whishes to indulge in his next games with a unique mark.

Code by AviCode