Edan Maddox



3 years, 1 day ago


Name: Edan Maddox

Born In: Somewhere in Greece

Current Home: A parking lot in Las Vegas

Job (if any): Street Performer

Race: Chimera

Hair Color: Blond with reddish streaks

Eye Color: One sea green, one brown

Physical Description: His hair is kept long with a messy ponytail at the back. He's tall, and his skin is tan. Keeps his nails long and paints them, chews on them as well. In a fight, a long black scorpion tail appears behind him. 

Personality Description: Likes to play pranks and has a good sense of humor. Can sometimes let his jokes go to far, and often annoys people. A bit thoughtless, more than one of his pranks has hurt someone's feelings. He can also be quite insightful, with a deductive eye. Enjoys taking his friends out to have a good time. 

Usually Wears: Novelty t-shirts and hoodies, lots of weird jewelry, and shoes with rainbow laces. A pair of silver frames rest on his nose with a bunny charm hanging from one end. 

Favorite Color: Pink, because why not?

Personal Quote: “Hey, you guys HAVE to see this!”