Kaiden Rakoshi



2 years, 10 months ago





It’s unlikely that people have heard of him, and Kaiden doesn’t mind it. Originally, he was a trickster for the Assassins clan, but then an interaction with a necromancer caused him to go away from everyone, believing that he was the creator of problems and went into what felt like an endless state of emotional pain, he left the division. Illegally, he changed his class without the approval and from a trickster to a stalker. Having been alone for so long, Kaiden teaches himself a way of life and what to do, and with his unofficial class, spy and observe others, not staying close with anyone as he didn’t want to be attached to anyone he could possibly lose.

While being away for so long, Kaiden develops his own forms of attacks, wielding dual katanas and being able to rush opponents and be able to fight long range combat. Kaiden often travels around places, never returning to them, but one day he had encountered Cyto. This was the day that Cyto and Adrian had dueled intensely on the battlefield and Cyto looked beat up. Speaking with him, Kaiden receives the idea of Adrian to be a mean official. The two part ways after having a calm conversation, and later that day he comes across Adrian. Hearing his side of the story, Kaiden realizes that the two of them, are just enemies who can’t understand each other. He leaves town later that day, only to come back a few days later. Something must interest him deeply if Kaiden would return to a location.



Talking with Kaiden is almost like talking to a brick wall. It appears as if he isn’t phased by your discussion nor amused nor disgusted. But he is willing to share his opinion and assist you by providing ideas or his experience to prevent you from making the same mistakes as him. Kaiden doesn’t show emotion that easily. Those who have encountered him and Adrian often say their personalities are opposite of one another, but Kaiden says it’s just a coincidence.

It’s not rare for people to mix up Cyto and Kaiden especially during the evening. Both of them having blue hair, as well as heterochromia, with a blue and black eye, Kaiden believes it to be a coincidence and mentions that he and Cyto are not related in any way. Kaiden doesn’t appreciate it if people call him “cold-hearted” or “dead inside”, and depending on who it is and how much they refer to the idea, he can go from a simple warning, to rushing them with his katanas.


  • Nighttime
  • Being Alone
  • Books
  • Swords
  • Vanilla


  • Mint
  • Daytime
  • Necromancers
  • Manipulation
  • Betrayal


  • Running
  • Traveling
  • Training
  • Writing
  • Stargazing


  • 27630629_Aty08YZJuvEmKJV.png
  • It’s often believed that Kaiden is a mercenary, getting paid to do tasks or has a boss of some sort, but Kaiden denies it.
  • Kaiden along with Adrian and Cyto did have both eyes to be the same color, but had a similar incident which caused him to have heterochromia.
  • Before getting away from everyone, Kaiden was known to be quite the socializer, similar to how Adrian is. Everyone knew him and found him to be quite a cool and interesting person.
  • When Kaiden was still a trickster, he was in the same division as Adrian, but since the two were separate classes, they weren’t able to interact beforehand.
  • He is not related to Cyto in any way, but feel free to make jokes or doodles of him and Cyto “being” siblings.

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