₂₉ | Yumiko



6 years, 10 months ago



Name Yumiko Kawabata [由美子 川端]
Alias Panacaea
Age 24 Years
DoB October 24
Gender Female ♀
Sexuality ???
Height 5'4
Build Pear
Race Japanese
Role Roleplay Character
Affiliations U.A High School
Voice Claim Shouko Kirishima


Owner @HeraDollie
Designer HeraDollie
Creator HeraDollie
Coding Eggy
Obtained Adopt.
Value $60




  • Puzzles
  • Sudoku
  • Organization
  • Nicknames


  • Energy bars/drinks
  • Small talk
  • Tight Clothes
  • Her frame


To put it simply, Yumiko has quite a strange character for someone who has been labeled a ‘healer’ ever since she discovered how to use her quirk. Most people who discover Yumiko’s abilities assume that she’s a kind-hearted, empathetic, philanthropist who is excellent at healing others. Unfortunately, that could not be further from the truth. The only thing Yumiko is good at healing is someone’s physical body.

Most people tend to quickly realize that Yumiko has a strange disinterest in other people and their wellbeing. Yumiko is the furthest thing from a caretaker and the only reason she’s skilled at her job is due to training, learning how to read people, and the natural abilities she has because of her quirk. She isn’t particularly fond of her job as a nurse but she doesn’t hate it either, she just tends to remain in a state of neutrality until something big happens that causes her to show an unusual interest in her job and healing others. Whenever a student is critically injured or someone has a dire need for her abilities, Yumiko will be much more passionate about her work and can display that “healer” side of her that people tend to expect.

Outside of her career as a healer, there isn’t much substance to Yumiko’s personality. She’s a very detail-oriented person and tends to enjoy things that people would consider meticulous and/or boring, such as sudoku or *large* puzzles. She finds these types of activities very calming and entertaining, hence why they seem to be a few of the only activities that seem to spark joy in her.

Yumiko is also notably apathetic and finds herself not caring about the casual life of others. Although she doesn’t care much, if a student talks to her, she will always sit and intently listen while providing occasional commentary. Yumiko finds it very hard to maintain small talk, but she will put in a genuine effort for her co-workers and the U.A students. It’s a hard knock life.

Quirk: Demon's Blessing

Yumiko is able to channel energy through her fingers and the tip of her tail to heal others. Most of Yumiko’s energy comes from being well-rested and from the consumption of calories. Yumiko has a broad range of things she can completely heal which includes but is not limited to: small papercuts, stab wounds, broken limbs, bruises, etc. When the wound is not severe or life-threatening, Yumiko will heal someone with her fingers. If the wound is severe, she will use her tail. This is because if she heals someone with her fingers, she will be able to vividly feel the pain and if she’s healing a severe injury, the sensations will cause her to lose focus which can be dangerous in a situation where someone’s life is threatened by their injuries. When treating minor injuries (small cracks in bones, bruises, etc), Yumiko can heal multiple people at once, however, if she’s healing someone with a serious injury she can only heal one person at once.


Since Yumiko’s quirk depends so much on her energy, she has to follow a very strict sleep schedule. She has to get nine hours of sleep every night in order to prevent herself from feeling exhausted from oversleeping or sleep deprivation. Yumiko is also eating all the time in case an emergency happens with a student. She’s constantly snacking on carbs (such as bread) and fruit so that she always has maximum energy if the situation became dire. Yumiko is also barred from participating in strenuous physical activity, so she can only burn her calories by healing students. This also caused her to be a slow runner, so she often needs a form of transportation when on battle sites. Yumiko’s healing is also not a quick process as she has to maintain all her focus on picturing how to heal the injury. The time can vary from fifteen seconds to five minutes, which can be inefficient in times of need if multiple students have serious injuries.

Another downfall is the fact Yumiko has to make direct contact with the person she’s healing (bare hands/tail) and press down onto their injury. Although Yumiko is not phased by most injuries anymore, it can certainly put patients in pain to be put under the pressure of her fingers while she’s healing them. When using her fingers to heal, Yumiko can feel the sensation of the pain from the injuries she’s healing while when she’s using her tail, she won’t. Because of this, Yumiko is left constantly feeling phantom pain in most of her body for days after healing multiple injuries (bruises and small cuts excluded)

When healing severe injuries, most patients will be left with a scar.

These are the injuries Yumiko cannot heal:

  • Shattered bones (as in the bone has no more form and is broken into multiple small fragments)
  • Loss of limbs (she can only close up the wound left)
  • Cut up eyes (It’s far too delicate for her to heal perfectly)
  • Internal Bleeding (She cannot make direct contact with organs and can only provide a little bit of healing. It’s often enough to ensure survival but not enough to cure it completely without healing for days)
  • Ruptured arteries (same reason as above)
  • Concussions


  • Yumiko's weight fluctuates throughout the year. Sometimes she is chubby and other times she's rather skinny.
  • Her older sister created her hero outfit and manages her closet.
  • Yumiko enjoys eating peach-flavored items.
  • She often gives nicknames to students because she is bad at remembering their real names.


[ Friend/Assistant ]


Hikari Ito

[ Friend ]


Nariko Kawabata

[ Older Sister ]