


2 years, 10 months ago


  • (+) Gentle, motherly, generous, earnest
  • (=) Idealistic, expressive, easygoing, shy, girlish
  • (-) Anxious, self-critical, a bit of a doormat, overly sensitive

Bellaheart's biggest strength (and biggest weakness) is her endless sense of compassion for those around her. Bella's driven by a strong personal code that guides her to view all others as cats fundamentally like her—she struggles understanding concepts like war, and if there was any possibility of a peaceful resolution she would take it. That does make Bella a bit of a doormat, all things considered, but she refuses to compromise her deep-set morals for violence perpetuated by others. At her core, Bella feels called to help others, and would bend over backwards if it means somebody is better for it. 

Bella's biggest struggle is managing her desire to do good and her excessive fear of isolation and rejection. She grew up surrounded by cats that need her good judgment and ability to step back and look at the big picture; and due to her desire to help others she feels restless and dissatisfied without something to direct herself towards. Bella feels drawn to groups and places she will be needed and struggles without a support network to reinforce her good ideas and moral code. To a lesser degree, Bella's scared of not making an impact on the world: so many cats live unremarkable lives, and she would hate to become just another faceless warrior. On the other hand, though, she appreciates the veil being the "introverted friend" has placed on so many of her inner struggles; giving her the time to work through them at her own pace. While Bella loves helping others, she prefers to keep her own struggles close to her heart.

Towards her inner circle, Bellaheart's taken on a motherly role, even at such a young age. She's surrounded by impulsive do-good types who need her to both wrangle them in and help support them, and for the most part, Bella is happy with her role as nurturer. She feels safe and comfortable in the background, but needs to learn it's OK to think of herself too. 

Even in her family, Bellaheart's the root of emotion and compassion, oftentimes dragging the world-worn members of her family back to earth—part of her embodies the loss that's destroyed her family; since she's named after her dead mother, and young Bella has assumed that motherly role she believes the cats around her need. Bellaheart becomes the cat she thinks others need, but needs to be able to hold onto herself in the process. 

Despite everything, Bellaheart struggles with feelings of emotional isolation. Oh, she knows how much the cats in her life love her—but what can she do that they can't? Bella's prone to feeling burnt out or fall back on self-criticism; and critique, no matter how good-willed, reinforces those feelings of low self-worth. On the flip side, though, Bellaheart would never make anybody feel worthless or unnecessary, and part of her moral code is always "sticking out for the underdog", in a quiet and quintessentially Bellaheart-isque way. She's very fond of kits and apprentices, appreciating their youthful idealism and recognizing a little bit of that in herself. 

Strangely enough for a StreamClan cat, Bellaheart is devoutly religious. She believes StarClan has set out a path for everybody, or some sort of "grand mission" that's impossible to fail at, which gives Bellaheart a since of purpose. She also feels a deep sense of curiosity towards the unknown, even if she's scared of it, which often expresses itself in exploring StreamClan's Twoleg relics in an effort to reconnect with her half-rogue heritage. She believes taking the time to understand the world around them will give cats the courage to overcome their fears of things—and cats—they deem "scary" or "strange". In a deeper sense, Bellaheart likes the idea of familiarizing the unknown, because once she understands what's outside of herself, she might be less afraid of what's inside.

Bellaheart is an INFJ, also known as "The Advocate". The following type description is excerpted from Do What You Are by Tieger, Barron, Tieger:

“INFJs inhabit a world of ideas. They are independent, original thinkers with strong feelings, firm principles, and personal integrity. INFJs trust their own ideas and decisions even in the face of skepticism. They are motivated by an inner vision that they value above all else, including prevailing opinion or established authority. INFJs often see deeper meanings and have intuitive insights into situations. Their inspirations are important and valid to them even if others don’t share their enthusiasm. INFJs are loyal, committed, and idealistic. They are quietly forceful in having their ideas accepted and applied. They value integrity and can be determined to the point of being stubborn. Because of the strength of their conviction and their clear vision of what is best for the common good, INFJs can be great leaders. They are often honored or respected for their contributions. Because they value harmony and agreement, INFJs like to persuade others of the validity of their viewpoint. They win the cooperation of others by using approval and praise, rather than argument or intimidation. INFJs will go to great lengths to promote fellowship and avoid conflict. Generally thoughtful decision makers, INFJs find problems stimulating and usually reflect carefully before they act. They prefer to focus in great depth on one thing at a time, which can result in periods of single-mindedness. Empathetic and compassionate, INFJs have a strong desire to contribute to the welfare of others. They are aware of other people’s emotions and interests, and often deal well with complicated people. INFJs themselves tend to have deep, complex personalities and can be both sensitive and intense. They can be reserved and hard to get to know, but are willing to share their inner selves with people they trust. They tend to have a small circle of deep, longstanding friendships, and can generate plenty of personal warmth and enthusiasm in the right circumstances.“