Arrhythmia-Clan Info



2 years, 11 months ago


One of the 3 Clans located in the Milroy area. Though there are two more clans there are many packs of wolves within the location as well.

This clan is on the higher tops of the mountains though have part of there clan near lakes and flatland towards upper mountains. These cats can withstand head levels pretty well due to the steam up of higher mountain points though this can cause much issues for kits who cannot adapt to the heat.

                          Clan ranks.

Leader- Only one, though the leaders partner helps rule alongside them.

Deputy- There are typically two. When it comes next leader it comes to who has more respect from the clan or a respectful fight for dominance(no death involved or banished). Who Remains deputy will stay in that position, a new deputy will be placed and process repeates again.

Warrior- Typically no limit but if there are too many some will have to suffer that their role gets permanently switched.

Diver- Basicly a hunter but their role is to swim or hunt in the lake for prey or necessities.

Elder- Retired cats whos bodies can no longer support themselves to do their clan job. They live peacefully and are typically seen as veterans of the clan the older they get.

Queen- Normally there are 3 main queens who devote themselves to having kits after choosing to no longer wanting to be a warrior at a young age or choosen by the leader that they will grow to be a queen.

Medic- Supply and heal sick or hurt clan cats.

Medic Apprentice- They help the main medic, even in adulthood they will remain the medic Apprentice title until their mentor dies.

Patroler- There's about 6, they look around the clan parameter to look for anything wrong or other clans ploting an attack.

Hunter- normally 5. Spend most of the day until sundown to help get prey for the entire clan.

Apprentice- Training to become a warrior.

Kit- babies, they don't have much important until they get an Apprentice rank.