


6 years, 9 months ago


Keypi isn't an airhead, she's just a little inattentive. Even then though, inattentive doesn't quite encompass how much she can get lost in her own thought. It doesn't mean she's unintelligent, however, in fact, her booksmarts are pretty encompassing! Keypi loves lounging in the warm sun with a good book and will jump at the chance to introduce a new book to a dear friend!

Of all the whuffels, she's on the large size. She stands over most other whuffels easily and she forgets this sometime! This can lead her to quite clumsy situations from bumping another whuffel over when she bends to accidentally sitting or stepping on the belongings of others. This can be quite surprising, since in her own home, she seems to have ponderously strewn stacks of books, scrolls, parchments, maps, and even scroll cases, scroll seal stampers, compasses, octants and sextants, quills, ink vials and other odds and ends related to book keeping and cartography. This leads to a fantastic sight as one would watch the sizable whuffel carefully navigate her cluttered dwelling without brushing a single parchment out of place!

Keypi can be a very passionate whuffel, taking deep consideration to everything she does, from creating illustrations in her books and maps, to spending time with her friends and loved ones. She likes to make elaborate plans for everything she does, even if it's something as simple as a tea party. It's not that she likes to do extravagant things, it's simply that she likes to make sure everything is perfect down the last detail.

Keypi is currently in a relationship/living with Meyku.

Whuffel species details by the species creator, Vera:

- Whuffels are whimsical creatures resembling wooly mammoths. They have antennae which pick up movement in the air and can even smell! They are always striped, and the puff at the end may be big or small, though smaller ones tend to have the strongest sense of smell.

- Their fluffy, ornate trunks cannot smell, but they can suck up a  lot of water in them! They're super stretchy and when over-filled, they just look like a big bulbous ball on their face. Sometimes their trunk markings glow, as well as their antennae.

- Their tummies are always white.

- Their tails are actually just wide flaps of skin covered in fur that can wrap all the way around their hips. They are called "flapes".  Like flap, but with an "e". :P They can move them somewhat, and, like  their trunks, they can pick things up with them.

- About 1 in 5 Whuffels have tiny, useless wings made of fluff but in the shape of feathers. Some also have relatively useless fluffy pouches, which they will sometimes store fruits or treasures in.

- They're almost always just one color, but in many different shades.  Their mane & hooves are always darkest, and usually their fingertips.

- Always fluffier than the rest of their body: mane, trunk, ears, feet, tail, and a circle of fluff around calves.

- Always have tusks and/or fangs. Usually both.

- Fruit-based diet, may also eat nuts and other plants.