


2 years, 11 months ago



Mike was born in Vancouver to two kinfolk.

Mike was raised to silently listen to and obey the Garou above them. He grew to resent the tribe; their secrecy and disdain for others seemed hypocritical and stupidly rigid. After adolescence began and no change- they saw no more potential than a future bodyguard. The Garou dismissed them as kinfolk, and the kinfolk dismissed them as strangers. In an attempt to protect themselves from further cruelty, Nadia severed all contact with the Garou Nation and moved away with her son. 

Just as Mike struggled to fit in with kin he failed to connect with mundane humans. Overwhelmed by dreams of fighting tooth and claw against fangs, Mike grew restless as his anger was denied. Mike's seething rage boiled over upon seeing a well-known Shadow Lord in his home and triggered his First Change. Mike ignored all else in his frenzy, maiming the Shadow Lord before fleeing. Mike was terrified upon returning to his homid form, afraid of possible retaliation for attacking someone of higher station. He believed the only way to keep his mother and himself safe would be to disappear. 

In the year following Mike travelled across the Canadian plains, avoiding most Garou out of fear and trying to survive on the streets. At seventeen he met Gold-Digger Dylan who saw through his lone wolf facade and befriended him, eventually becoming Mike's mentor and first member of his chosen family. Under Dylan's guidance he's slowly learned the basics of being a Galliard, and joined a pack at The Sept of The Green.

Confidant (Nature)
You like and understand people and like to give advice-and you're usually good at it too. Regain Willpower when someone confides in you on a personal level.

Lone Wolf (Demeanor)
You have your own path and no desire to share it with anyone else. Regain Willpower when you manage to achieve a significant task without anyone else's help.

Huge Size: Mike is abnormally large in size, over 2 meters tall and 150 kilograms in weight.

Resist Toxin: After years of exposure to various substances, Mike has become resistant to poisons. 

Pack Mentality: The pack is your life; without it, you are nothing.

Animal Musk: He smells like an animal even in Homid form.


  • born in late June 
  • currently unable to grow a full beard
  • his first instinct in complicated situations is to start a fight
  • currently untapped creative side
  • could've been a children of gaia but doesn't believe in pacifism
  • His prized possession is a small wooden earring Dylan gave him.