
2 years, 11 months ago



Spirit Paul (A.K.A Jan)

Pronouns it/its

Birthday October 15th

Age Clearly an adult

Domain: Personified countries and war

Species Spirit


Jan's seen it all. It spawned in as a lowly soul, one of many who believed themselves better than the other, due to having a vague semblance of a source. Souls are barely treated as living things, and Jan wanted to be treated more than just a lowly thing that just took up space, so it was hellbent on doing something with it's life. After working its ass off, Jan managed to become a chimera...and stayed as just a little guy, but now it has fancy prehensile limbs resembling ribbons! Jan, seeving over not being a sexy humanoid, taught itself how to make a robotic humanoid body, out of spite.

Afterwards, Jan realized it had quite a knack for building robots, so it monetized it's little hobby! You pay Jan a few hundred bucks, and, depending on what you ask for, it'll either make you a very nice and obedient robot servant. or whip up one, or two, or three new limbs for you! It became well-known due to this, and while Jan is an insufferable pretentious prick who would post godawful edgy jokes, takes, and make incredibly unfunny "satire" comics about people it hated, it made incredible breakthroughs related to technology in the Altered Lands, in particular using someone's energy as a fuel source for prosthetic limbs.

And then Jan became a spirit. It had it coming, really, with the whole cloning thing.

Oh yeah...
The cloning thing.
Jan cloned itself.
Turns out Jan didn't program any kind of software into those robot servants, it just split part of it's soul off and shoved it into a body. Jan also cloned itself when it found something it didn't like about itself. What do you mean, Jan was a feminine furry? That never happened, you must be confusing Jan for it's suspiciously similar-looking clone that Jan later got too attached to and saw as it's child and then passionately hated, Cecilia!

All of those clones were also Jan. And the energy those clones had were technically Jan's energy. Jan ended up amassing about the same amount of energy an average weak spirit had, purely because the clones it created using part of its soul and energy to ended up getting more energy, and that energy ended up making Jan into a borderline spirit.

Jan still builds and sells robots for people. Why would Jan want to change up the thing that made it into a spirit in the first place? It's still getting rich off of this, and it still gets business, so why change? Really, Jan became even more full of itself after it became a spirit, because now it has one more excuse to deny service to those lowly souls it claims just exist to take up space. What kind of loser even treats souls like they're people?

  • It's real name is actually Paul, it goes by Jan because it pissed off the wrong people years ago and its still a little scared that those guys are gonna figure out what it did and yknow... get him.
  • Jan wears glasses because it thinks the glasses make it look cool. Just ignore the eyebags and occasional stains on his face that imply that it was crying for a while.
  • It has a...concerning amount of guns and other weaponry. Jan claims that it just like collecting and occasionally hunting with them, but considering a few incidents that happened involving Jan's weapon collection and it's clones, most of his customers are a little wary around it.
  • Before it was a spirit, Jan was a soul turned chimera who had a canonless affinity, a soul aspect and the ability to create clones of itself out of clay. But Jan would never admit that it was a soul.
  • Jan's source/fandom personified before it was a spirit was polandball.
  • According to some old art I found, apparently I first created Jan some time in mid-2017? It was originally a girl, but what never changed was it's blondness and shortness.
  • Most of Jan's clones don't have much of a mind of their own other than serving whoever they were created for. It's insecurity clones seem to be their own people, having thoughts and being able to do things without any influence or direction from Jan.
  • One of Jan's first clones, Cecilia, was created during a time where Jan hated the very thought of being some kind of weird creepy perverted outsider...thing. Who knew that shoving your own insecurities involving your internalized hated of furries, femininity, and sexual content into a clone of yourself would result in someone that hated your guts after realizing that they're the parts of you that you hated about yourself?
  • Jan and Cecilia used to fight alllll the time, but after a while both of them realized that fighting was dumb. Besides, Jan realized that other people were hurting Cecilia, so Jan just let them do the work it was originally doing.
