


2 years, 11 months ago


Copper is one of Omen's bodyguard and is Amber's half-brother, he regretfully took care of her solely cause their dying mother told him he had to. The only cat he ever truly cared for was his mother, never knowing his father, not to mention, Amber and Copper are both vastly different cats.

Copper is of few words and is very obedient and attentive to whatever Omen desires, he refuses to listen to Callus though which causes the two to get very feisty with one another. The only time Copper did regretfully and hesitantly obey Omen was when he was forced to eat Callus torn off ear to get this supposed strength from Callus. He barely survived the process, but it did make him grow twice his size and grow bone like claws. Copper holds resentment towards Callus, believing he forced Omen to do such things though it was her idea originally, his loyalty to her is undying.

Mutation: Was given by Callus, previously was the ability to throw his voice onto a surface and project it. Currently is the huge claws on his body, bone like growths that are heavy and can destroy anything.