


2 years, 11 months ago


Somber Wood Foes is a Happy Tree Friends AU where everything is opposite. The characters here still dies for the sake of cosmic joke, but their personalities are flipped around.

Nephelle is  the banshee spirit trapped within her.


Crystal is a girl around 12 years old who has a warm expression on her face and short orange hair that reaches her back. Her hair would glow a bright yellow hue when she uses her Looking Glass (it will remain orange if she is not activating any abilities/just showing off her looking glass). She is about 4 feet tall. She usually wears a headband housing Nephelle on her head, a blue dress, black ribbon, white laces and no shoes. She normally has a blue eye color, but it turns to white when she is extremely angered and shines bright cyan when Nephelle is in charge of her body.

////Alter part Nephelle////

In her spirit form, Nephelle appears as a bear with cyan eyes and longer hair.  In her physical form, currently she shares the same body as Crystal but with shining bright cyan eyes and usually a cold expression.


A sweet and playful critter who loves invading everyone's daydreams. She is fond of speaking cryptically and only shows up to those who she thinks in need of her help. She is quiet harmless despite having powers.


She needs to summon her Looking Glass (a floating blue diamond object that requires many stamina) before she could do the following.

a) Dream Manipulation

- she could invade anyone's dreams and manipulate it to her liking

- this ranges from changing the environment to shifting it into a horrible nightmare

b) Memory Manipulation

- one is unconscious with her nearby, she could "play" with their memories

- this ranges from adding ridiculously false memories to sealing some parts of it away

- she could use this to drain someone's memory so much they became a "base"

- accidental effect: life absorption


Crystal is the adoptive daughter of Top (Opposite Pop, an overprotective father who would rather die than see children die on his watch) and an adoptive younger sister of Buc Opposite Cub, he never experienced so he wishes to know how it feels). Nephelle will eventually be her enemy when she discovers the truth.


Crystal originally resides in the Happy Tree Land. However, she was transported into the world of Somber Wood Land by her evil counterpart, Nephelle. Nephelle doesn't have any abilities but is skilled in witchcraft. She originally just wanted to switch positions through a ritual but she mispronounced the incantation. Now, they share one body. Crystal doesn't know this though, all she knows is that she's in a place where familiar faces are now mean.

At night, she will lose control of her body and the spirit inside her would take over. In these hours, Nephelle is trying out her abilities on the fools that wander near her territory. Apparently, she can drain someone's memory so much that they will lose their identity and become featureless husks recently known as "bases" (coined by Lucent, this is due to their basic forms).

One day, she was almost killed by an executioner but was saved by Top. She was then adopted by him and become the younger sister of Buc. She will soon see that Top's level of protectiveness is literally always over the top, he would go as far as to die so they could suvive. She appreciates his efforts, but Buc sees this as nothing else but showing off. Recently, Buc and Top got into a heated argument. She follows Buc as he runs away without a word to his father. He vented to her about how disappointed he is and he wished to be taken care of anyone else that is opposite to his personality even just for a day. At a mention of this, Crystal recalls a faint memory (that actually belongs to Nephelle), and tells Buc what he could do to get his wish. One ritual later, she will see that nothing much really happened. She was about to apologize for not making it work but 'Cub' asks who she is...


"Are you sure you don't wanna play with me?"

"Come on, let's dream one last time!"

"Don't ask me why I'm still tired when I sleep all night, I'm just a kid!"

"But Buc, he is only doing all of that to protect you!"