


2 years, 11 months ago




He/They Pronouns
Ageless, Genderless
Ace/Aro (Aegosexual Lithoromantic) Lesbian

Member of the Fae Folk (Faerie). Seelie Court.

Is a literal walking universe, as most Faeries are. His jacket contains living "sea foam" that is made of the universe he created.
James' face is always covered in shadow, no matter what he is (or isn't) wearing.
Only one of his eyes shows at a time, and if two must be present, one of them is a "lens flare" that causes temporarily insanity in the feeble minded (the "Eldritch Effect" if you will; feeble in this context refers to those who do not open their mind's eye to the otherworldly and has no connections to one's mental attributes).

He possesses the power to create, which means he makes his "OCs" come to life. They are not always aware they are his OCs. The exception to this is EROS, who is his partner in crime and keeps him company while acting as as a secretary to all James' chaotic exploraiton.

James' special interest is other worlds, which means he will go out of his way to teleport into other people's universes and explore their lore, stories, OCs, etc. He is aware of the fourth wall and does not respect it (unlike most of his OCs, who do).

Unfortunately, James is cursed and must keep himself alive by consuming planets and creations. He acts as a carrion and preys dead/decaying worlds, using his infinitely long, serrated tongue to tear creations apart and devour them. He then uses the inspiration from the lives he consumed to create new things for himself, continuing the cycle of life.

His "fursona" is a lemur-like monkey. He has a centepede-like alternate form that is used to terrorize humanity.