


2 years, 11 months ago


Name: Spinel 

Gender: Female 

Species: Viperaquus Fata

Venom Affect: It causes illusions strong enough to cause permanent mental damage. The illusion is the dreams and/or joys of the victim. The antidote for it is nectar of a special white flower often known as the LunarFlower. The color of the venom is a light blue.

Magic: Light magic. 

Hoard Item: Gem stones specifically purple, magenta, neon blue, neon green, and white. (Fata don't usually hoard items like Null, but she is an actual hoarder. XD) 

Personality: A jolly girl full of cheer, bright eye, and curious. Has many hobbies because she's way too energetic. She's the fairy guid type. Loves exploring and discovering new things. But she's small, weak, and easily spooked. Needs someone to accompany her all the time. And being alone freaks her out. Also she has an obsession with gemstones. If anyone comes between her and her gems she throws a tantrum, screaming at such a high pitched level. 

Likes: Gemstones, kind/friendly people, sweets, cool weather, and magical places. 

Dislikes: Negative people, being alone, something or someone between him and his gems or goals, sour  food, hot weather, spooky places, scary stories.