Oyuu [WPG]



2 years, 11 months ago



Name Oyuu Dataqi
Race Witch
Age 27 (7th Aug)
Gender Male (He/Him)
Height 6'5"
Occupation Healer and Archivist

Daring ✦ Passionate ✦ Outspoken ✦ Clever ✦ Tactless

Oyuu is a travelling archivist for the Order of Ouroboros, with a speciality in healing and blood magic. A witch that values honesty over kindness, preferring to speak in absolute truths even if that makes him the asshole. Often he comes across as cocky with complete confidence in his abilities, seeking out challenges in forms of intellectual discussion and physical combat.

He has a fiery determination and thirst for power and knowledge, which only has been amplified in his time at the Order of Ouroboros. Discovering the truths behind fallen civilizations, behind forbidden or forgotten magic, or an unheard of battle between witches and elves - Oyuu wishes to seek it out. He can be an insufferable know-it-all at times, but should he find someone that shares the same passions as him or is simply willing to listen and seems to understand what he’s saying, he’ll gladly teach them what he knows.

Despite his outwardly grumpy appearance and his blunt and sometimes abrasive behaviour, Oyuu is capable of being a caring and thoughtful person. Some may think he is selfish only seeking pursuits to benefit him, but he wishes to change the world for the better. Should he see what he believes is injustice, he will step in and do his best to help. Once befriended, Oyuu is loyal and reliable, and will sacrifice a lot if it meant saving someone he cared about.

I, the undersigned, hereby agree to follow the charter of walpurgis and all rules therein:




Area of Expertise

Witches that use blood magic take the raw energy of life and twist it to their own purposes. They can corrupt and control, or heal and sustain using this life force held within blood. Blood magic is tied to the physical - the body, mind, and soul. There’s different ways to utilise blood magic like hexes, soul binding, etc. but Oyuu mainly uses it for healing or worsening people’s injuries. It’s a very intimate magic to use for healing - it can be powerful but at a great cost.


Bleed and Heal: Harnessing the power of the life force within blood using his magic, Oyuu can heal others of their wounds and injuries. By controlling blood, he can stop bleeding and seal wounds and also restore lost blood. He can then use life energy to regenerate tissue and bone and even ease pain and minimise scarring. The more painful and serious the injury, the more blood Oyuu has to spend to heal it. Oyuu cannot use the wounded target’s own blood to heal them. He can also not treat things such as illnesses, diseases, or curses - he can diagnose them, but not aid in their curing/removal.

Eye for an Eye: If Oyuu ever take injury during battle, he can use his enemy’s blood to regenerate and heal himself. Since Oyuu cannot use his own blood to heal himself, this is his way of keeping on top of injuries. Of course, this requires Oyuu to actually draw blood from another person - preferably with his specialised scimitar.

Hemorrhage : While he can heal, Oyuu can also inflict tremendous damage should he wish to. Through physical touch, Oyuu can take control of the blood within the target’s body and cause horrific internal bleeding. The longer he keeps hold, the more damage he can create. This technique requires getting in close, so Oyuu has trained himself in physical combat in order to overpower enemies with a fearsome combination of martial arts and this spell.

Sanguine Insight: By focusing on the blood of the creature, Oyuu can gain information about their current circumstances. He can sense their general state of health and overall mood, as long as they are within 5 miles of him. To do this, he requires a sample that is no longer than a week old and at least 3 drops worth of blood. It also requires a 10 minute ritual to bond with, and once that is complete, he needs to focus up to a minute to check in on his target. One vial of blood has one use and the bond made with it lasts up to 8 hours.


Sacrifice: Overcasting blood magic spells can be costly. Usually at the expense of someone’s health or life. Which can be risky for Oyuu when he’s using his own blood and life force to cast spells. He is a strong and fit man with a robust constitution thanks to his training and diet, but even then, he can only lose so much blood (roughly 2-3 pints of blood). He either has to limit himself, or take blood from another. And unfortunately, not everyone is willing to sacrifice their own life force just so Oyuu can cast some spells. Overdoing blood magic is also a slippery slope down into Necromancy, a taboo magic practise for some witches.

Charter Rules: Speaking of taboo… being bound by the Charter he signed to enter Walpurgis, Oyuu cannot use his magic on those that do not consent to it. If he needs to heal or fight, he will have to use his own blood to cast his magic, which quickly becomes very restrictive with how much he can do in the long run. Unwilling creatures can also resist his magic with strong enough resolve, their body and blood uncooperative resulting in Oyuu’s magic weakening or just ineffective.

Got Blood?: Oyuu’s magic is only effective on living creatures that have blood circulation. It’s ineffective on constructs and non-living material, and undead creatures or those with an anatomy Oyuu is unfamiliar with have resistance against him.

A Witch’s Focus: To cast his magic and also fight with, Oyuu uses a Scimitar. A beautiful blade gifted to him by his mentor within the Order of Ouroboros, with a ruby crystal embedded within the hilt that acts as the focus for his spellcasting. The blade has grooves in so that the blood from anything he cuts travels down towards the crystal, maximising the effectiveness of his blood magic. Without his blade or crystal focus, Oyuu’s magic is unfocused and slightly weakened.He also… requires blood.


Personal Lore



Early Life

Oyuu was born from an affair between two witches, one being a member of the Crawbow witch family and the other, Tuya Dataqi. Tuya raised him as a single mother, travelling a lot and never settling in one place. However, Tuya became very sick and passed away when Oyuu was only the tender age of 6. His mother left him with a society of witches and scholars named the Order of Ouroboros. The archivists there raised him and taught him magic.

The Order of Ouroboros

The Order of Ouroboros is a long-standing collection of witches dedicated to the safeguarding and teaching of magic, and seeking the truth. Formed many centuries ago, the organisation has grown in numbers and has several secret libraries hidden away in cities around the world. They investigate mysterious happenings of a magical nature, and record all supernatural and strange instances within this hidden magical world.

Order of Ouroboros’ goal is to write down history as it happens, not allowing those with ill intentions to smear details of the past for corrupt purposes. They believe the truth is real knowledge, and with knowledge comes power. The Order will not stand for history being bent or erased to suit selfish needs. However, this means they do have a neutral stance towards most happenings. By standing back and simply observing the happenings of the world, they feel they are not interrupting or swaying whatever the universe intended to happen. They want to watch, not partake in the making of history.

The Order is also keen to not allow magic to die out - even if certain magic disciplines are taboo or risky. They believe that truly understanding magic on an extremely deep level and having an open mind is the way forward. The Order trains all of their witches to not fear whatever magic is capable of, but celebrate it and teach others how to use it responsibly. Members of the Order usually go on to be researchers and archivists within the organisation’s libraries or sent around the world to travel and see the world’s truths for what they are.

The Order's Secrets

Under the Order of Ouroboros’ care, Oyuu proved to be a very good blood mage and healer. He loved studying and travelling. With his mentor’s guidance, Oyuu was quick to ascend in archivist ranks, eventually granting him access to the Order’s most precious secrets that most members are not allowed to learn. To be able to access these secrets, Oyuu took an oath - and received a magical tattoo that ensures he doesn’t speak a word of these secrets to anyone outside of the Order of Ouroboros. While Oyuu owes a lot to the Order of Ouroboros, Oyuu had come to dislike having to just ‘observe’ the truth when he can do something to help. In his older years, his desire to change the world rather than simply let it be has caused conflict between him and his mentor.

Present Day

With the growing tension between him and those faithful to the Order, Oyuu decided to take some time travelling to study and make his own records. He travelled across the pond from Europe to America, visiting settlements, ruins, forests - and has eventually stumbled upon Walpurgis. He would have just passed through, but the presence of hunters and an unknown threat causing human disappearances intrigues him. This is history in the making, and he is here to stay to document all of it. And maybe… help out. Just don’t tell the Order.

Race Lore

Witches have existed since humans first got their hands on magic. After centuries of studying and perfecting the manipulation of magic, their abilities have grown more and more potent within their close family groups. Keeping their bloodlines intact and strong is a high priority of most traditional Witching families, and they take great care with who they allow into their line. The head of a family is almost always the oldest female member, as they follow a matriarchal system of power.

While Witches have an innate talent with magic and can perform small amounts without a conduit, they often choose to channel it through an object such as a focus, a wand, a crystal ball, etc., to stabilize the spell and amplify its power. They have the potential to learn most types of magic with enough time, but are usually more adept at the specific branch their family has studied for generations. This has led to several smaller subsets of Witches, such as those at focus on blood magic, divination, enchantment, illusion, shadows, or any other subject.






Character [ relationship ]

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Character [ relationship ]

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse sit amet massa blandit, fermentum enim a, scelerisque velit. Integer interdum urna ac dui sollicitudin sollicitudin.


Character [ relationship ]

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse sit amet massa blandit, fermentum enim a, scelerisque velit. Integer interdum urna ac dui sollicitudin sollicitudin.


Item Name

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Item Name

Item description goes here. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, sit graeci tamquam iuvaret an, invenire postulant ne per. Albucius omnesque eu nec, his alienum pertinacia philosophia id, no partiendo facilisis nec.

Item Name

Item description goes here. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, sit graeci tamquam iuvaret an, invenire postulant ne per. Albucius omnesque eu nec, his alienum pertinacia philosophia id, no partiendo facilisis nec.


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