Cosmina Ciobanu



2 years, 11 months ago


Cosmina Ciobanu

Cosmina Ciobanu

Full Name Cosmina Andreaa Ciobanu
Age 37
DoB December 1st
Zodiac Sign Saggitarius
Gender Female
Height 5'11"
Family Daniel Ciobanu (father, deceased), Sofia Ciobanu (mother, deceased)




Cosmina Andreaa Ciobanu is one of the main villains of VERIS. She is the leader of Renovo's (Romania's) biggest mafia gang and the most powerful figure in North Naitura's underground. As of Naitura year 2045 she and her fellow members have been working alongside Bolusta for Renovian independence.


Cosmina grew up in a state of perpetual poverty poverty for her entire childhood. Her father, Daniel, was in and out of several jobs and often found it hard to find work due to his alcoholism, whilst her mother, Sofia, had been unable to find a job since being arrested for drug use years ago. At school, Cosmina consitently ranked near the top of her class but never enjoyed following rules. She was constantly bullied at school due to her poor lifestyle and the trouble her parents kept getting in.

When Cosmina was 16, Daniel was arrested for stealing a car and she herself was expelled a few days later for assaulting a teacher. She then ended up working in several part time jobs like cinema's and chip shops. However, due to their livelihoods, they soon found themself involved with gangs. One time, a gang waited whilst her mother was out of the house so they could ambush her and take her hostage, but she withdrew a laser knife and cut the kidnapper's wrists. Both her and her mother were arrested the next day and were sentenced to prison. Cosmina was released after a year, but her mother was due to be kept in there for another seven years, but instead died in jail three years later.

With no parents to support her Cosmina spent the next seven months working in prostitution to earn money. After hearing of her exploits, a very drunk member of a street gang, a rival of the same street gang who her attempted kidnapper belonged to, approached her and offered to take her on. Cosmina refused, wanting nothing to do with gangs after losing both of her parents to them, which infuriated him and he tried to shoot her, but she slit his wrist and then used his dropped gun to shoot him three times.

Cosmina was immediately arrested, but was released on bail two days later - by the same gang that had tried to coerce her. But instead of seeing revenge for their fallen man, they once again offered her a position, but this time told her if she refuesed, they would make sure she ended up back in prison for 30 years. Cosmina accepted.

Cosmina worked a number of jobs such as casino waitressing, fight promoting and hit jobs for her gang, where she did so well she was able to rise through the ranks and become on very good terms with the people at a similar level to her. As time went on, she grew more resentment for the degrading, low end jobs her and her fellow members had to work in just to survive.

The gang leader took a shine to Cosmina immediately, and after a year and a half of service, Cosmina was made his right hand woman, and she immediately demanded they pull their resources to get her mother out of prison. Shortly after they got wind that after being released from prison, she was being held hostage by PLACEHOLDER and they were demanding that both him and Cosmina were to meet him in person to negotiate her freedom. The pair of them were certain that it was a trap, so they had six other members follow them in secret, ready to ambush them, offer them an escape route and save Cosmina’s mother. However, upon trying to escape half of the gang were caught entire building was blown to pieces alongside six members of the rival gang and all four of them, including their leader.

Upon returning home, Cosmina’s associates told her that the leader had told them that she was to be his successor, should anything happen to him. Determined to use her power to punish NEO, who she held responsible for her mother’s death, Cosmina agreed and took over as leader.

Cosmina started out running an entire network of illegal underground venues she had inherited from her predecessor, including casinos, fight clubs, drugs, brothels & even technology testing on animals and humans. But immediately after becoming leader, she pooled her resources to expand her moneymaking ventures outside the “traditional” means, as well as strengthen her grip on North Naituran society. One night, she had her men kidnap one of Renovo’s biggest CEO’s and bring him to her, where she told him that he was to bring all of his workers to her one by one over the coming months and they would agree to split their salaries with her gang, or she would have all his sites bombed. She continued to do this with every single business, big and small, both in Renovo, and eventaully all Nothern factions, until over 80% of North Naituran workers were on her accounts.

As a result of all this, Cosmina’s income increased dramatically, but didn't pay her members' wages as normal. Instead, she used the money to buy an enormous manor house for them all to share similar to the one she bought her own associates, building a series of food outlets to feed the poor, even those that weren't associated with the gang, as well as unrestricted access to all of the underground services she provided, making them free at consumption.

Cosmina was extremely infamous amongst northern circles for essentially having so many people’s lives on lock and key due to her stealing their wages. And so eventually, she attracted the attention of ... & Bolusta. Cosmina actually held a great deal of respect for ... due to the way he had treated all his workers and associates, so much so that ...’s research laboratories were one of the few businesses that she had left alone. Meanwhile ... admired what she had given to all of her workers in food, shelter & entertainment, but couldn’t stand that she had essentially forced them into this lifestyle, especially as so many of them were his fellow Borenians. In fact, Bolusta themselves had actually been an enemy of Cosmina’s gang as they had often confronted or ambushed her men as they tried to bully people into submission, but for some reason she had still refused to take ...’s workers, simply resorting instead to tracking down and killing any of the Bolusta members that had attacked her men.

With tensions between the two growing, ... met with Cosmina and explained his plans to topple NEO, Canolog and in particular, the royal family once and for all, which immediately got her attention. He then proposed the two of them work together to free the northern factions and that in exchange, she would remove all the residents of Boreni from her money laundering. Cosmina agreed, on the one condition that in addition to leaving Boreni, she would be allowed free reign over the rest of the North, as well as other factions in the South, which she had begun to expand to, with no interference from Bolusta, which ... accepted.


Cosmina has green eyes and dark purple hair. She wears either red or purple lipstick, with minimal makeup & eyeshadow.

Her fashon sense is a mix of prestigious and punk, usually favouring dark clothes such as leather jackets and skirts. She almost always has a purple undershirt on in a similar shade to her hair. She prefers clothes that leave her legs at least semi exposed in particular, such as thigh high boots & fishnets


Cosmina sees herself as a very charitable and empathic person. In particular, she empathises with those from an impoverished background, mostly due to her own upbringing. She belives that the rich have a duty to provide for the most vulnerable in society, and since very few of them will, she delegates herself to take on the role for them. As a result, stealing from them is justified, and in fact that force is the only way to get what she needs as they haven't been giving it to begin with.

Cosmina also heavily subscribes to the role of the "collective", in that all of society has to band together to face these struggles, whether they want to or not. This is why she forced the workers into an informal agreement rather than just taking the money straight out, as she wanted all the workers to see where exactly their money was going, and to “commit to the cause”. However, in line with her "the poor come first" mentality, she consistently insists the least fortunate in society are to be excempt from her "taxes", who range from average wage workers with deceased spouses to the homeless & unemployed.

When it comes to procuring money, land or anything else they need, Cosmina is an extremely ruthless person. Though she is not completely opposed to negotiating, her patience is often very small as she is used to dealing with the wealthy trying to opt out of their "responsibilities" and find loopholes around them. Her methods of enforcement are very violent, ranging from kidnappings and bombings to outright targeted hits & assassinations. Cosmina will often resort to extreme threats to procure her goal as she sees procuring the funds she needs to keep her network going as crucial and non negotiable.

Despite her care for the poor, Cosmina has considerably less empathy for those at the top of the financial ladder, refusing to see the aquisition of large sums of wealth as anything other than abusive. Even those that claim to look out for and take care of their workers and those beneath them she views as "complicit", as the very act of making them work for their living is by definition oppressive to her.

Cosmina's harsh nature transfers to her relationships too. She does not form romantic bonds with people, instead viewing them more as objects to project her desires onto. Whilst this never manifests in things like assault, once someone expresses a desire to become close to her, she makes it clear they are at her whim to do with as she pleases.


Leo Emerton

Abilities & Fighting Style

To be Written

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