Enzo's Ownership

Please read the Characters FAQ for further information on permissions and original ownership!

Character Permissions

Can be regifted
Can be retraded
Can be resold

Design Terms of Use

Pecheurs_De_Reves Global Rules

Disclaimer This is the Terms of Service for the Pêcheurs De Rêves group, community and events. This Terms of Service document applies to all platforms on which Pêcheurs De Rêves related content is hosted. These terms override those of guests and affiliates to the Pêcheurs De Rêves brand group. Users, guests, moderators, and affiliates are held to abide by this document or face the consequences listed below. This Terms of Service document is not finite and is undergoing changes as community updates occur. Buffer time for user agreement is up to two weeks. Users will be held to any terms updates two weeks after submission. We reserve the rights to refuse service or community access for those who break Terms of Service agreements. By participating in Pêcheurs De Rêves groups, adopts, or events, you are automatically agreeing to the terms listed below. Poor conduct or ignorance to the terms will still result in treatment based off of the Terms of Service.

Section I. Adoption and Ownership Terms Adoption / Reception Pêcheurs De Rêves are run as a closed species by KiyasamatheInu. As a closed species, the creator kindly requests that no one choose to make their own without expressed permission. Users do not have the rights to create their own official one. Pêcheurs De Rêves or mimics made without permission will not be admitted to the group or any community sites.They may also result in a ban or suspension from the group. Pêcheurs De Rêves adopts are hosted on deviantArt and Toyhouse. Pêcheurs De Rêves can be received through adoptables sales and auctions as well as customs and MYOs and the occasional contest or raffle. Pêcheurs De Rêves received through sale are not officially owned by the customer until full payment is received. When purchased, the owner has full rights to the character’s artwork and autonomy over the character’s development. User has partial rights to the group and community activities. If the user fails to abide by TOS regulations after fair warning, their character may be (one or multiples of the following): Removed from the Pêcheurs De Rêves’ group protections. Removed from access to the Pêcheurs De Rêves’ group and events. Marked as “delegitimize,” or “retired” in the registered entry in Pêcheurs De Rêves masterlist. Removed from the Pêcheurs De Rêves’ brand and name. KiyasamatheInu does not reserve the right nor have the power to revoke a design purchased from them. Users that receive a Pêcheurs De Rêves through legitimate means may not:: Claim the Pêcheurs De Rêves as their own creation or claim the design as their own creation if not designed by them. Trace or recreate Pêcheurs De Rêves designs for any sort of public use or sale. Use Pêcheurs De Rêves designs for commercial purposes. Violations of any of the above will result in moderator action and possible consequences following. Ownership & Documentation Pêcheurs De Rêves are logged and up kept through the visual masterlist Pecheurs_De_Reves Pecheurs_De_Reves on Toyhouse Pêcheurs De Rêves documentation is the only acceptable proof of ownership of an official Pêcheurs De Rêves. If you are having issues with receipts/proof, follow the procedures listed on the Pêcheurs De Rêves account. If further complications persist, contact a group moderator. The Pêcheurs De Rêves group and the Pêcheurs De Rêves masterlist do not recognize co or multi ownership. Only one owner will be recognized by Pecheurs_De_Reves. Co-ownership can happen in private without punishment or consequence from the group itself however, ownership disputes will not be dealt with by the Pêcheurs De Rêves team. The owner listed on Pecheurs_De_Reves is the one that will be recognized.

Section II. Payment and Transfer Guidelines Payment Pêcheurs De Rêves sales will be available for USD and payments are processed through Paypal. Occasionally, Pêcheurs De Rêves sales will be available for purchase using DeviantArt points. KiyasamatheInu will accept point payment through the commissions widget tool offered by DeviantArt. Do not send points directly. Paypal transactions will be conducted via invoice. This is for proper archiving of purchase history and to send the Terms of Service for digital goods purchases from KiyasamatheInu. Point transactions are done through the commissions widget tool for archiving purposes and for transferring funds. Accounts under 2 months old or suspicious accounts may be refused service for seller protection from chargebacks and false payments. Point refunds are not offered. USD refunds are tentative. Do not use a shared paypal account for Pêcheurs De Rêves designs. It is your responsibility to compensate the artist if payment is stalled due to another party. Payment methods will vary for other guest artists. Payment for customs and MYO slots is always upfront.

Payment Plans Payment plans are available for purchases of set amounts or more listed per auction from KiyasamatheInu’s Pêcheurs De Rêves adopts. There is a required, non-refundable 30% down payment for any payment plan. From the purchase date, the user has 30 days to pay the remainder any way they prefer. Users must note KiyasamatheInu about payment plans before bidding if they intend on paying via payment plan. KiyasamatheInu reserves the right to decline payment plans for any reason. If not paid within those 30 days, the user will be refunded anything they paid beyond the 30% down, they will receive a warning, and the design will be resold. Grace periods can be worked out if the user is unable to pay. Failed payment plans will result in a temporary auction ban. Attempted or successful chargebacks will result in a ban from the species. Please be sure you can pay before starting a payment plan.

Auctions Auctions will be made available for paypal payment and occasionally dA point payment. Do not bid if you do not have static funds to pay equivalent to your highest bid. Once an auction ends (or if you autobuy), you will be noted or replied to for payment. You will not receive full-res, unmarked art until you have paid. Courtesy: It is prefered that when bidding, you list only your bid in the comment. Making discouraging or guilting remarks at other bidders is not tolerated and is grounds for a warning due to harassment.

“Dropping out”: Dropping out of an auction if you are the highest bidder is not allowed. This will result in a temporary ban from KiyasamatheInu adopts. If you are not the highest bidder, IF YOU BID AT ALL you must retain the funds that you bid in the case that someone drops from the auction. You are individually held responsible for what you offer!

Flatsales Regular set-price sales will not have time limits. These will also be paypal and point purchasable unless otherwise specified. Do not offer or bargain on set price adopts. Flatsales are first come, first served unless otherwise specified. Edited comments: edited comments will be strictly ignored on dA flatsales as they come off as deceptive. Claim buffer: when claimed, a design will be held for the person who claimed for a period of time specified in the description of the flatsale. This buffer time is for the customer to send payment. If payment is not received before the time limit expires, the seller has the right to give the opportunity to the next claim.

Trading, Transfers, and Resales Pêcheurs De Rêves owners are free to trade and transfer their Pêcheurs De Rêves to other users. Please remember to inform the masterlist of ownership changes. The visual masterlist is Pecheurs_De_Reves and the instructions for updating ownership are listed in the journal entries. You may submit a trade journal to the group to advertise. Your trade journal or post MUST include the masterlist entry of your design for proof! For buyer and seller protection, please update the entry's ownership log promptly. Resales of Pêcheurs De Rêves designs bought are allowed at no higher than the price they were bought for. This is to prevent “scalping” or buying designs with the intention to sell them for more soon after. A user can choose to trade their Pêcheurs De Rêves away for characters OR resell them for the value that they bought them for. A user cannot receive the full resale price and more UNLESS they have commissioned art of the design. Users can choose to resell up to the price they paid for the design and commissioned art. Proofs of purchase for commissioned art must be provided. Users cannot resell their design for more than they paid adding on commissioned art if they themselves did not purchase the commissioned art (they can only resell the design at the value it was purchased at). Raffle, DTA, and gift Pêcheurs De Rêves cannot be resold. MYO slots and MYO Pêcheurs De Rêves can be resold so long as they were purchased and not a result of contest winnings or event. Proofs of purchase must be provided to the user who receives the slot. After a resale transaction, the person who purchases the resold Pêcheurs De Rêves or MYO slot cannot resell it for any more than what it was purchased for. If you receive a Pêcheurs De Rêves through a trade you are not allowed to resell it. Pêcheurs De Rêves can only be traded for merchandise that is equivalent or less than the total price of the design that it was last sold at. If the design did not begin with monetary value OR if you did not purchase the design, you may not trade for merchandise that is for sale. You may still trade for physical goods so long as it is not something that another user would have to purchase at the time of trade. Cooldown: all Pêcheurs De Rêves and MYO slots have a trade cooldown of one week. This is from when the Pêcheurs De Rêves was received. If yours is not listed in the @LunbergIsland, you are still free to trade it if the cooldown period has ended, however, you might be tagged as the owner of the design in the Pecheurs_De_Reves. Follow the instructions listed to update the ownership log with the new owner.

Co-ownerships We reserve the rights to refuse service or community access for those who break Terms of Service agreements. By participating in Pêcheurs De Rêves groups, adopts, or events, you are automatically agreeing to the terms listed. Poor conduct or ignorance to the terms will still result in treatment based off of the Terms of Service.

Section III. Services and Specialties Customs Check availability before requesting! Customs status will be listed on the Pêcheurs De Rêves schedule on KiyasamatheInu’s page. Questions about openings for customs will not be answered. Dates for openings will be announced in advance via KiyasamatheInu’s journals, polls, or status posts. Customs will change in price periodically. Do not request a custom to resemble an already existing design. When ordering a custom, you’re free to choose any sorts of themes so long as they are appropriate. You can send palettes and specify traits you want. For anything you don’t specify, it will be taken as creative freedom. Works in progress will be sent throughout the process. Guest artists are not allowed to do customs unless granted permission, however, if they are available to do design commissions, they are more than allowed to design your MYO slot.

MYOs Check availability before requesting! MYO slot sales status will be listed on the Pêcheurs De Rêves schedule on Pecheurs_De_Reves Rarity Rank System: MYO slots are sold in ranks allowing the designer to use any number of traits that are within the rarity of said slot. For example: a Rare MYO slot would allow for any rare traits and below (uncommon, common) to be used/available when designing. MYO slots do not expire unless specified otherwise. Be sure to follow the group journals in case that may change. Please do not base a Pêcheurs De Rêves off of an existing character unless you own that character. This is an honor-code system, the mod team and KiyasamatheInu have not seen every copyrighted character out there. If you are reported later on for designing based off a character you do not own the rights to, you will be given a warning and will be required to alter the design. Please do not create an MYO design to mimic or resemble an already existing design. If you create an MYO design, please know that it will be auto-registered in our visual masterlist, Pecheurs_De_Reves. If you would like to opt-out of registration, please let us know ahead of time! Do note that if your Pêcheurs De Rêves is not registered in the visual masterlist, we cannot intervene in trade disputes.


Generally, it is preferred that you create a design not based on the theme of an already existing one. Themes do not become closed off once someone has used it though. Designing an MYO to imitate or copy an already existing design is not allowed and is grounds for a warning or ban based on previous offenses. You may commission someone or get help from other users with designing your MYO.

Redesigning Redesigns of Pêcheurs De Rêves are allowed! There are a few guidelines you should follow if you decide to do so: The redesign must still look similar to the original (it can't be a completely different look). You may not change texture. You may not add traits regardless of the rarity tier of the design. You may not swap traits for others (like one extra trait to a different one). Minor color and pattern changes are definitely allowed! You may change traits (besides texture) but only to things of the same or lower rarity. Mutations cannot be changed and the design cannot switch type of sub-species. If you change the design of your Pêcheurs De Rêves, please note the @PêcheursDeRêves group to get it approved!

Rights The rights to the species are not being sold. KiyasamatheInu is the only person allowed to freely create Pêcheurs De Rêves adopts and sells MYO slots. Permanent designers on the team are also allowed to create adopts. They are not allowed to sell customs (unless granted permission) or sell MYO slots (exclusive to KiyasamatheInu).

Section IV. Rejection and Refusal of Service Harassment If you find you are being harassed for a design that you own, contact the @PêcheursDeRêvess group. If you are found harassing another deviant for or about a Pêcheurs De Rêves design, you will be given a warning, second offense will result in a ban from groups as well as adopts. If you are found harassing or being rude towards group moderators, you may be subject to a warning or a temporary ban. Further offenses may result in a permanent ban. Do not harass or bully other users on this site or other sites for supposedly copying KiyasamatheInu’s designs and concepts, whether that be Pêcheurs De Rêves or not. If you have a concern, please note the group. If you are caught harassing another user for that reason, you will receive a warning. Claiming to speak on KiyasamatheInu’s behalf will result in a warning and a possible ban. What warrants a response? Moderators can intervene in Pêcheurs De Rêves related issues and conflicts but if the issue you have with another user doesn’t relate to the group or to the species, we cannot intervene as moderators of the group. Serious issues should be redirected to deviantArt staff or other site report systems.

Banning Bans outside of temporary auction bans or temporary conduct bans are permanent. Permanent bans are generally from the Pêcheurs De Rêves group as well as adopts. You will be notified if you are banned and you will be given reasons along with any provided proofs if available or if allowed by other parties. If you would like to file for an appeal, respond with your rebuttal and we will re-evaluate the case IF the option is given. If there is no option for repeal, it will be stated in the note. Ban notices will only be sent by group admins and moderators or KiyasamatheInu account. If someone sends a fake ban notice, notify a moderator and we will deal with it promptly.

Within Reason: Things that are considered grounds for banning are not limited to but include the following. Continuous harassment/bullying of users or mods Purposefully inciting drama Disobedience towards warnings for TOS breakage Scamming Continuous scalping attempts or successful scalping Dishonesty such as faking receipts or faking identity Ban evasion

Serious or repeated cases will result in blacklisting. Users are only added to the blacklist if they become a threat to others in the community (generally for scamming or dishonesty). Proofs are not provided publicly to protect the victims, reportees, and/or moderators or the privacy of the offender. Harassing blacklisted users will result in a warning and a possible ban from the group. The purpose of the blacklist is to warn members of possible dangers to the community. If you are banned, you may not use your Pêcheurs De Rêves designs in the group or any group activities. You are still able to trade them away or resell them but breaking trade/resale rules in the TOS will result in blacklisting.

All questions regarding the terms should be directed to the group notes. Please check the FAQ before sending.