Abigail "Abby" Fitcher



3 years, 3 months ago



art by @sorascribble on Twitter


"Be it with a gun or smile I always hit the mark!"

Ultimate Sharpshooter

A sharpshooter is one who is highly proficient at firing firearms or other projectile weapons accurately; the main weapon known for this talent however is guns. To prove her talent Abby has won many competitions in both her age group and the adult tiers at hitting bulls-eye with a variety of guns and sometimes other tools.


  • Fairy tales
  • Sweets
  • Weapons
  • Family and Friends
  • Animals


  • Fighting
  • Spicy Food
  • Frowny Faces
  • The Dark
  • Businessmen


  • Abby comes from a family of Ultimates. Her father is the Ultimate Businessman, mother Ultimate Ghostwriter , and older brother Ultimate Herbalist
  • Her brother, Thomas, she considers her best friend and had always looked up to him for guidance and support.
  • Doesn't fully understand the world having been sheltered most of her life through homeschooling. Because of this she tends to figure most of the world is a lot like dreamy children's books she used to read.
  • She is adept at anything involving trajectories of flying objects, she can get down to the exact degree and speed the object flew after only watching it once.
  • She seems to dislike her proper name. Anytime someone calls her Abigail she will smile and correct them.

art by miguel-amshelo-comms on DA


+ Friendly, Harmonizer, Optimistic, Compassionate, Polite +

Abby tends to try to be friendly with everyone; using her smile and wish to meet many different types of people as an accidental advantage. Being an Optimistic Harmonizer comes easy to her, constantly finding ways to put those around her in a happy mood without even trying. Even if someone is rude, Abby will continue being polite and hiding any negative emotion if she even has any. A child who continues being compassionate to those around her even in the most sticky of situations.

= Idealist, Trusting, Curious =

Growing up under the watchful eye of her father caused Abby to read fiction as a means to see the beautiful world she loved to imagine when sitting in the home garden. This caused her to develop a very idealist look on life instead of seeing the world even if it was right in front of her. Being so easily trusting is a huge double edge sword. You never know if the person telling her info is explaining the truth or if by the end they will smirk and say "It's a lie." Abby's curious nature from rarely leaving her home can lead to many amazing discoveries! Let us hope the popular saying about a cat does not lead to her demise.

- Spacey, Dependent, Obedient, Naive, Self-Critical-

Abby tends to space out when alone, not even realizing people are around her sometimes until they begin to talk. Despite this however she is a very dependent teen. While she can do the basics and solve problems on her own there are many things she relies on others to help with. Her obedient nature from always doing what she was told can also cause her to do things she would normally not do. This comes from the fact she is super naive to anything related to 'street smarts'. What can only be caught by a trained ear however is how self-critical she tends to be down on herself sometimes. Accidental slips on how she finds her appearance to be silly for her talent or apologizing for forgetting such simple things like asking someone's name are common for her. Does it go deeper, possibly in her head?


  • Aenean sollicitudin ullamcorper
  • Nec pharetra nunc iaculis quis
  • Integer mattis lorem
  • Facilisis justo vehicula
  • Donec aliquam
  • Sapien a dignissim


  • Maecenas ac augue libero
  • Quisque iaculis
  • Maecenas iaculis tortor
  • Nunc vel urna
  • Donec vel lacus arcu
  • Sed ut euismod magna


  • Vestibulum at sagittis quam
  • Habitasse platea dictumst
  • Aliquam sit amet ultrices
  • Aliquam ac libero nisl
  • Morbi eget magna
  • Fermentum lectus sed


  • Praesent vestibulum aliquet
  • Fusce mattis dignissim
  • Etiam tellus
  • Vehicula bibendum dolor
  • Dapibus auctor et rhoncus
  • Aenean id orci a enim
  • Unhealthy Healthy
  • Weak Strong
  • Clumsy Dexterous
  • Dopey Intelligent
  • Dense Perceptive
  • Drab Charismatic

art by NokNo


  • Hair Color Dark Brown
  • Eye Color Blue
  • Skin Color Pale White
  • Height 4'9
  • Clothing Style Cutesy Schoolgirl

Logo on her Chest

"Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit."

Abby has short wavy brown hair that hits her shoulders at the lowest point and slowly rises as it returns to her ears. The only difference in the wave being hime bangs as long as a large ahoge that curls above her head. Her eyes are a bright blue with her skin a pale white; a soft blush natural on her face.

Abby's outfit is akin to a school girls; a light brown button up shirt with a red camo skirt sitting on top. The skirt stops just above the knees to be taken over by black stockings that sit right under the knees.

Design Notes

  • Etiam ac neque et enim interdum dapibus at nec orci.
  • Phasellus blandit iaculis massa vel fermentum.
  • Cras quis neque et orci varius ultrices eu ultricies lectus feugiat odio tellus.
  • Quisque urna orci, gravida a viverra ac, blandit nec ex.
  • Phasellus finibus mauris ut vulputate mollis.
  • Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas.
Click for Reference



art by @Yuuki_Leisa on twitter

Thomas: Brother

Abby's older brother by eight years; they seem to be extremely close. Thomas was Abby's only friend until she went to Hopes Peak, he's very protective and loving to her.


art by Brudrak

Aerglo: Best Friend

Like a second brother to the girl.


art by username

Name: Relationship

Integer vel tortor ligula. Proin quis luctus eros. Curabitur et lacinia tellus, sed feugiat ipsum. Suspendisse quam nisi, aliquam sit amet mauris vitae, pellentesque varius massa.


art by username

Name: Relationship

Proin sodales ornare velit non luctus. Ut consequat augue vel arcu egestas pulvinar. Fusce hendrerit lectus at nisl vestibulum convallis nec ac dui. Pellentesque finibus scelerisque pharetra. In vulputate iaculis pharetra.


art by username

Name: Relationship

Nulla facilisi. Donec ultrices dolor nec est elementum, consectetur vulputate lectus auctor. Vestibulum congue at urna et consectetur.


art by username

Name: Relationship

Pellentesque finibus scelerisque pharetra. In vulputate iaculis pharetra. Ut mattis, mauris eget bibendum finibus, libero magna auctor tellus, ut blandit odio ante non urna.



art by @pretzeloflove on twitter

Looking up the top competitive shooting scores in America the last thing you would expect to see is a smiling young teen; however this doe eyed girl seems to show up a lot in newspapers and articles on the topic. Ever since the tender young age of nine, Abby has been showing up and destroying most competitions, all while hoping those around her will wish to be friends after.

The way she found her talent was quite silly. One day as a child she found herself bored; curiosity getting the best of her as she snuck into her father's study to find something to play with. Digging through a dusty box she found a dartboard and decided to play after seeing the pictures of people throwing darts on the back. Even though she was standing a bit too far for her age range Abby proceeded to get almost perfect bulls-eye for several rounds. The giggling of glee at hitting the center despite not fully understanding the rules only stopped when she heard a familiar sound of a car pull in front of the large home. In a rush to return to her room the blue eyed girl forgot to put the evidence of her being in the study back where it belongs, causing her father to question and look at the surveillance cameras. Realizing the girl might have potential Abby’s father decided to see if he could get this new found talent awakened.

Some articles on more drama ridden sites seem to include the fact she is from a very rich family with her true name being Abigail. "Is it not possible that her family bought her way to the top with money? We have never seen her train in public after all!" Watching the girl at live competitions however shows these trashy sites are just for slander.

It is also well known amongst her weapon enthusiast fans that the girl rarely leaves her home; being trained in schooling, proper etiquette, and honing her talent all from the comfort of her father's seemingly overprotective eyes. Rumor has it though that the girl was accepted into the prestigious Hopes Peak over in Japan; would her title as an Ultimate becoming official be enough for her father to send her to another county? If so, who knows what else she would be allowed to do!

Killing Game



True Ending


art by sorascribble on Twitter

Was such a naughty useless child really allowed to have a happy ending?




art by Brudrak


art by @RadiantKissu


art by Sorascribbes on Twitter


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art by bearwithbandages on DA

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