Anghel Rakuel



2 years, 10 months ago


  • Full name:  Anghel Rakuel
  • Gender: Nonbinary(He/Him)
  • Orientation: Bi
  • Race: Tiefling
  • Age: 23
  • Class: Fighter/Warlock(Celestial Pact)
  • Alignment: Chaotic Good
A confident, if somewhat air-headed tiefling with a penchant for fighting.  Currently working as part of a delivery crew for "discrete" goods.


Song 1 Song 2 Song 3
  • Himself
  • Justice
  • Music
  • Gambling(Watching)
  • Being condescended to
  • Politicians
  • Dishonesty(Only when it's directed at him)
  • Gambling(Playing)

Once a bright young thing, training to be a knight under the crown of his home kingdom in a continent across the sea.  Charming, kind, and with a strong sense of justice, he had nothing but high hopes for the future.  Unfortunately, his naivete was taken advantage of by some other knights with far darker and tyrannical intentions, placing him as a fall guy in a plot to assassinate the king.

The plot succeeded, and Anghel was promptly condemned as a murderer and criminal, branded in the traditional form.  He was set to be executed, but a turn of fate(and some meddling by those above) changed his course, finding himself as a stowaway on a ship.

The ship in question, it turns out, was a pirate ship of sorts.  Upon being discovered and brought to the captain, his angelic looks charmed the captain, who took him in as a sort of arm candy, spoiling him near rotten, treating him as though he were a prized treasure.

Anghel's days on the ship taught him how to fight a bit less fairly, and gave him a much different sense of justice than the ways of his squire days, among other various skills.

However, upon reaching the continent of Torring, Anghel was given a vision from the same entity that saved his life months ago, telling him to leave the seafaring life.  Having nothing better to do, he obliged.

He spent much of his time bounty hunting.  His skills made him effective, however his new demeanor made him capricious, known to occasionally turn on his employers if he felt that justice needed to be served as such.  

Now, it seems his savior has ushered him into a different line of work.  Will this savior ever make themself known?  We'll have to see.

  • He can play the Lyre, one of the few remnants of his gentler days.
  • Another remnant of his younger days is that he does follow a sort of code.  It just happens to be very different than the one he was first taught.
  • He can tend to hold a grudge towards people who wrong him and/or those he cares about.  These grudges last a while, and the severity depends on the slight.  Sometimes, he forgets the actual nature of the slight that sparked the grudge however.
  • He likes to cause problems on purpose, but only if it would be funny for him and others to watch unfold.  A common example of this is tricking people into starting bar fights, usually by using his looks.
  • He is 5'11", and his birthday is October 22nd, making him a Libra/Scorpio cusp.
  • His blood is a deep indigo sort of colour, like blueberry jam.