Joestar (Welcome Home)



1 year, 2 months ago


Character Name


"Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer id nisl tortor. Nullam id velit accumsan, aliquet diam sed, faucibus mi. Quisque eu molestie leo. Quisque ac mi in nunc volutpat euismod ut vel libero."

It has been found that Joestar wasn’t introduced until later on in the show, mainly appearing after most of the side cast has been revealed. He got along really well with Howdy and Wally, particularly the latter. Joestar was known for his heavenly voice and law teachings. He’s very headstrong about the famous saying ‘Innocent until proven Guilty.’, believing that truth will always prevail and one should never lie.

It has been hinted in several concept sketches that Joestar took on a more bug-like appearance before looking as he is now. He also has two dads, as well as two other siblings. He says he originally came from a town filled with lawyers, both defense and prosecution and they all took the truth very seriously.

According to screenplay scripts, Joestar is more german accented and occasionally slips into german during conversations. Further research shown that Joestar was present in initial concepts for Welcome Home. It is unknown why he was pulled from being a part of the main cast.