Coleus Anugraha



2 years, 11 months ago


Coleus is one of Eclipse's best friends within the pack. he has the rank of hunter and scout.


  • Name: Coleus Anugraha
  • Gender: Male
  • Pronouns: He/him
  • Birthday: December 14th
  • Age: 21 years
  • Species: Shadow
  • Blood Type: B+
  • Orientation: Aesexual/Heteromantic
  • Nicknames: Cole.

  • Pack: Acuouy Pack
  • Rank: Hunter. Scout.

Coleus is known for being graceful and being good at picking up on subtle lies that others may say and spread. nothing seems to faze him much and he enjoys freedoms and running around with little to no care. He can be quite focused and when he is, he doesn't like being distracted and will snap at anyone who tries to interrupt his work and focusing abilities though he always apologises after. He often tends to brush off the attraction of other wolves, preferring to work on his jobs more so than worrying about mates or things like that. Coleus is extremely protective of his pack and does not like strangers coming into the territory and is known to interrogate them and has a great memory. He is calm though as he does not like to hurt others. Coleus keeps his rank of torturer a secret from most, as only Eclipse, Tenia, and Vesperus know it, and since he rarely needs to torture someone. 



Coleus has all the moves and abilities of his species. He is a summoner and has a Weasel Summon named Tardio. With his summon, he can preform the 'Death Dance' that Weasels are known for, making him a skilled hunter.


Coleus was born in the Acuouy Pack but sadly his mother passed away after his birth which devastated his father. Coleus grew up raised by everyone though and was distant from his father which he disliked but he knows his father was struggling. Because his father was harsh to him growing up, Coleus never really managed to bond with him and so he does struggle to accept his father is his father. His father found a mate in the single dad, Bituon, and seems to show more love towards Bituon's son, Uphranu, than he does him. Coleus tries not to show that this bothers him but it does. He was the first one to accept Uphranu's identity as non-binary. 
Coleus enjoys being a hunter and scout. He also does enjoy spending time with his friends in the pack. He did become a torturer to try and impress his father which ultimately didn't work. So he stopped being a tortuer

Likes: Doing his own thing. Hunting.

Dislikes: Flirting. His father.

Fears: Failing those he cares about. Spiders.


  • Theme Song: Hey Look Ma, I Made It - Panic! At The Disco
  • Voice Claim: Unknown
  • Quote: "Keep talking and you may give away some of your secrets. Unless that is what you want to do."

  • He never uses his last name anymore