
3 years, 2 months ago


【 Name 】 . . .【 Nicknames 】 Leviathan
【 Age 】 Old enough.【 Gender 】  I'm a guy. (he/him)
【 Height 】 Tall enough.【 Orientation 】And I like guys. 
【 D.o.B 】 A day.【 Ethnicity 】 White Hispanic
【 Role/Story 】 ??? | SOUR DREAMS! CANDYLAND【 Title 】 . . .

【 Appearance 】
    Messy hair, clothes that don't quite fit right, and scars wherever you care to look. An appearance just as rough around the edges as the man himself.
【 Personality 】
    What you see is exactly what you get; he's a quiet, poor conversationalist, and doesn't try to be any different. If you don't like what you see, then look away. Leviathan bends for no one, but         make no mistake-- He's as dependable as they come. If you need a favor, all you have to do is give him a shout.
【 Good Traits 】
    Reliable, steadfast, compassionate
【 Bad Traits 】
    Reckless, inconsiderate, blunt
【 Background 】
    The youngest in a family of three, and then the oldest in a family of one.
【 Other Info 】
    - Leviathan's left eye (the green one!) is a prosthetic. It wasn't lost, he's been missing this eye since he was born.
    - Often seeks out experiences he's never tried before, and usually things considered stupidly dangerous. You could definitely call him an adrenaline junkie.
【 Design Notes 】
    - The chain connecting his lip piercing to his ear is entirely optional. Sometimes he wears it, and sometimes he doesn't. Depends on what he's doing that day.
    - Generally very fuzzy. The long sideburns are essential.
    - Always has his left canine poking out of his mouth.