Nomi the Kobold (Young Witch)



3 years, 1 day ago


Nomi adores and grew up along with a dragon who took her in inside her cavern

The dragon at first is cold hearted and sees the kobold trespasser more as a nuisance/bother, as she desires to be alone with her thoughts while minding her own business

Throughout the months, the dragon slowly warms up to the intriguing company and gains a soft spot for the strange visitor Adoring the clumsiness, random offerings and the ability to just talk with someone without having to face consequences from the outside world

Mostly she still acts cold and distant, although secretly she enjoys the company as now moments of loneliness makes her realise how deafening the silence is

On one faithful night the nearby kingdom plans an assault onto the dragon’s lair

The dragon tries to protect her domain, but finally meets her end by trying to protect her admirer

Too wounded to go on, she bestows upon her one and only companion a magical blessing

With her final dragon breath, she huffs out a small flame, putting her essence and her consciousness into a mute fiery companion

With this she lends Nomi the strength to call upon its help to turn the flame into fiery weaponry

However, Nomi is in the end not fit to be a fighter

Clumsily flailing her arms and being on the brink of tripping with each attack, the flame tries to compensate for her lack of experience in combat

Sometimes in the direst of times, the flame however can engulf Nomi, letting the dragon take control and slightly alter her body to destroy whatever called upon such measurements

With her new companion and her home lost to the kingdom, she decides to go and explore the outside world

Ending up with her becoming an adventurer for hire, as a great fire witch (or so people believe, while the true power so far comes from the spirit of the dragon)