Wolfsbane (NPC, dead)



2 years, 11 months ago


AVIANSouthern Cassowary


Profile template by Circlejourney
Edits by AnonSpice

Character and design by Momii, edits by AnonSpice

Girfugol is a gryphon based RP/ARPG group with aspects of medieval mythology and magic; hosted on discord and deviantart.

Character type:
Plot NPC
Wolfsbane may of course be used as a commanding officer and monarch of Plains Kingdom citizens, or an enemy to commanders of other kingdoms. They can be spotted anywhere around Hyresh or wherever they're needed to ensure their Kingdom is running smoothly. Feel free to ping me in the girfugol discord if you want to discuss anything you're unsure would be in character!
To remain within the group until we no longer need them.
Fan/gift art:
Always welcome! May not be shipped with anyone.




- Keen; is typically able to quickly get a clear read on any given situation
- Level headed; rarely one to lose control of themself
- Charismatic; a strong sense of leadership, good at finding what others want to hear
- Large and physically strong; Wolfsbane is a force to be reckoned with

- Self-absorbed; their ego is easy to stroke
- Overconfident; they tend to overestimate their abilities
- Overthinker; always trying to get an edge on the situation, Wolfsbane is their own worst enemy, often delving too deep in nigh on impossible outcomes
- Age; Wolfsbane's age is beginning to show, they're not as physically strong or surefooted as they used to be


Aromantic Asexual
Plot Death
Alternative Death
Hits their head on a doorframe and later dies of concussion complications

Purchased traits
Two red ribbons, three tusk rings
Size class
Large (4 ft at shoulder)
Weight class
Wolfbane is a large, bulky hippus. Their build and height makes their strength rather obvious, though their age is beginning to slow them down on that front. They have little fur, but a trail of black, hairy feathers flows down their back to their tail. Their face and crest are brightly colored but their eyes show their age.


0-1 year
Born to parents in the guard, Wolfsbane more often saw their grandparents than their parents and they ended up being the one mainly taking care of them and their siblings.
Wolfsbane always was a bit quieter than their other siblings, often praised for being sweet and gentle even with the more rascally younger ones.

As a sub-adult Wolfsbane was sure to hear all about how joining the guard would set them up for life. They had no peculiar inclination towards any job so they just decided at their young age to follow their parents and older sibling’s steps.
In school they were quickly recognized as really bright, their build giving them a decent strength and their logic more than other being worked to perfection when tried before problems.
When they finished their schooling briently and with little to no effort to pass they quickly went and joined the guard, still having not changed their mind or rather made up their mind about any other career.

Wolfsbane then joined the army. Quickly they rose, rank after rank their wits and leadership skills earned them respect from their peers and promotions from their superiors. After only a few years they rose into the position of royal guard, an honour and source of pride. They had settled into their military career. Sure they might have done something else if they hadn’t been so indecisive before but they saw no complaints to be made as they were. They even got to talk to the current monarch. They were nice enough, at least they thought so. Maybe just a little boring for their taste but that might just be because they were older. Still, there was much to learn from them and learn they did so much so that they eventually had been asked if they wished to take the throne once the current monarch retired. The monarch have had children but each were seemingly more imcompetent than the other or borderline murderous towards their parent when it wasn’t the case.and so for once in their life they acted impulsively and said yes, absolutely. Maybe it was selfish but the fact they were able to rise to the throne was thrilling. They would of course do the best they could for the kingdom but all in all they said yes for themselves

When the monarch finally retired Wolfbane was once again thrilled to take their place, the ordeal was quite stressful, a lot more than expected actually, especially in the beginning. Once settled it all became easier though. They even had managed to pick up a protégé themselves, a small hippus named Ivy. He had come stumbling into their chambers and asked them to play with him. One could not see his juvenile fluff anymore but there was definitely telling just from how he acted .And so they played. They had introduced the game of chess to him and for a first-timer and nonetheless a child he certainly had a knack for moving pawns and learning strategies. .
The war was quite an unfortunate event in their opinion. They did not want to be involved but the dromaeus had been gaining ground. Their ally, that knucklehead of an Harpy king surely found it amusing to make them lose years of their lives by rushing into battle without a plan. They could not and would not find another explanation for his behaviour. Not only that but the dromaeus' rush to get their territory was incredibly difficult to handle. Reason would not prevail so blood would unfortunately. They did not wish for it to but they had no choice at first however once Lilium was lost and assumed trampled by Zinnia’s people while he was trying to flee, necessity became revenge. His loss wore heavy on their heart and in a blind rage they had firmly decided that those who had wished for war will have it. For the duration of the war they had no qualms anymore, especially towards the dromaeus. Each of them standing in the way of peace would get crushed down under their hooves.

Then, just after the war had ended he came back. Sure he seemed a bit worse for wear but Lilium was alive and their heart soothed as they found the young hippus. Once more they had an heir to the throne.

During peace their affairs had once again become mundane. Not much was interesting, appearing during events, just all the daily tasks of a monarch were back on schedule. Wolfbane settled down again, hoping that they would be able to retire peacefully in a few years and mentor Ivy at least a short while once he took upon his new duties. Until then they will keep to their own business and keep hoping for their kingdom not to be thrown into the roars of war once again during their reign.



Mother (NPC)Deceased; loved
Father (NPC)Deceased; loved
Siblings (NPC)Deceased; loved


Ivy (Personal NPC)Protégé; loves


  • Jewelry, ribbons and other pretty trinkets
  • Soft fabrics 
  • Mild to hot weather


  • Being asked foolish or obvious questions
  • Dirt, their days of hard work as a royal guard have long since passed


  • Anything pretty that can be put on their tusks will be
  • They have a collection of various ribbons and shawls worn by tying to their feathers