Shirkaka Dellimois



3 years, 3 days ago


Name: Shirkaka Dellimois (Dell-im-mwaugh)

Sex: Female

Race: Wolf Dog (Husky)

Age: 23

Weight: Ugh...not telling youuuu.

Height: 6'4

Sexuality: Bi (leans slightly more towards girls)

Occupation: Strip club manager/Dancer

Personality: A bundle of joy and excitement unless you argue with her, then she's the biggest pain in your ass that you shall ever meet. However, she truly is a sweet girl, desiring the best for those around her, yet desperately wants to be the center of attention.

Biography: Born into a rich family makes one wonder how Shirkaka didn't simply just become a spoiled brat. Well to be fair she completely is a spoiled brat, just a better one then most. She buys farrrr too much with the allowances her parents give her, and for the most part doesn't think she'll have to work a day in her life for what she wants. She does often visit charities and donate large amounts of money to them, if only to get her name in the papers and feel more famous.

She made quite the assortment of friends in school due to her upbringing and the props that it brought her. A slew of boyfriends that simply didn't meet her expectations or...expected far too much out of the relationship with her have slightly bittered her taste in having a relationship, though she is hopeful she'll find her knight in shining armor at some point or another. She is very fond of music and loves listening to all of the latest Japan Pop Bands.

Once she got out of school however, she finally found a sort of...encouragement to do as she pleased with her life that didn't involve simply shopping and spending all of her money frivolously. So she became an associate at a bar and later found herself in the upper management of in almost a year later.

Her silver tongue is infamous for getting her what she wants if her money can't do that for her, yet despite everything she has accomplished, she always wants more, and lately has started to approach many of the dancers in the club for private chats.

Despite her penchant for leaving boyfriends beforehand should they get too grabby or...otherwise, she quite enjoys the frisky nature of the dancers around her. The unpredictability of each and every customer that walks in the doors is just another form of excitement to amuse her until she finds out what else she wants to do with her day. If you don't amuse her, she will leave. Amuse might just have a friendly tail to tuck into for a night.