


3 years, 3 days ago


Name: Ashley Drachnen - Current alias is Vancent Morsus

Age: 25

Sex: Male

Height: 6'3 (Six Feet, Four Inches)

Eye Color: Gold (Cybernetic eye is emerald green with red targeting reticules)

Bio: Born into a destitute family on Caruda IV, Ashley's life was pretty much over when it started. Meeting his best and only friend at the age of 6, Tracey Belmotto. The two were nigh insepperable, even when Tracey suggested joining the Caruda Expansion Force.

Their time in the CEF was a tough time of listening to authority that gave way to Ashley's future rebellious nature. Each mission they partook in was a success, and even then some due to Ashley's gung-ho attitude, and almost inescapable luck. However, after roughly 2 years of serving in the CEF Ashley requested a transfer back to Caruda IV so he could start saving up to eventually buy his own ship and explore the stars to his heart's content. Dragging Tracey kicking and screaming back planet side.

Once home however, Ashley's luck seemed to have hit a curve. As soon as they got home, Big-Poppa, the resident planetary mobster, and de facto near owner of it all, saw fit to hire out the CEF for his own dirty work. Ashley disregarded Big-Poppa, much to Tracey's constant warnings. Ashley paid for the mistake after he was shot through the eye by one of Big-Poppa's snipers.

Were it not for Tracey's patchwork job, and desperation to save Ashley's life, his story might have ended there. Tracey succeeded in saving Ashley's life, however even with the new cybernetic eye, he suffered horrid brain damage that altered his psyche and caused him occasional unwelcome pains through malfunction shocks through his brain.

Where once Ashley might have been focused, calm, and collected, he felt now energetic, eager, and fiery tempered. Jumping into each situation with a reckless abandon born of an adventurous soul. Ashley fell into using a nickname afterwords to avoid Big-Poppa, taking on the name Vancent Morsus. Becoming a local bounty hunter, he raided an CEF armory, stealing a prototype MC-50 Hand Cannon, and a hard shell ballistic chest piece.

Hunting throughout the streets of Caruda IV, Vancent became known as a hot-headed, and idiotic individual. Trusting to his brash and uncouth nature to get him through the worst of situations. On one of his many escapades, he ran into Velua. A highly trained assassin under Big-Poppa's control, sent to take out Vancent by any means necessary. Vancent only narrowly escaped with his life, and afterwords, this one encounter shaped the rest of his life and onward. Catapulting him into the very thing he wanted most.

Becoming captain of his own ship, The Starchaser.