


2 years, 11 months ago


fritz is an electro polearm user from snezhnaya 

age - 12
vision - electro
weapon - polearm
gender - female
birthday - 12 - 14 - xx
zodiac - sagittarius
family - n/a

fritz was diagnosed with a severe case of hay fever, which causes her unfortunate case of sneezes and runny nose. she goes to many doctors to help treat it, but they usually give her the same old methods which never work out for her in the end, or when they do, its not for long. due to this issue, she keeps tissues in the back of her skirt handy for when she needs them. her hair is always very wild because of her constant sneezes! she always tries to fix it up, but in the end it never manages because either her electro frizzes her out, or her sneezes do. she is very quiet, and calm most of the time. she hates having to explain things to others, because she finds that when she does she loses her words and gets shy. she never really gets to finish her sentences anyways, because they are always halted by a sneeze.