
Kassogtha (Coco)


"Если взорвётся чёрное солнце
Всё в этой жизни перевернётся Привычный мир никогда не вернётся
Он не вернётся"

  • She's a soft-spoken girl, and often gets lost in her fairy tales, and sometimes wishes to find her "Prince Charming" like how the princesses did in them. With that said, she does have moments of absolute sadness and refuses to let anyone in; shutting herself out of the world. She also gets easily scared, so loud shouts or any sudden loud noises make her jump out of her fur. However, she's totally fine with "expected" loud sounds, music, for example.  

  • Likes: stargazing, music, making someone work instead of her, gems and gold, gracious jewelry
  • Dislikes: headaches, holes in her memory

  • Coco was born in a family of librarian and historical researcher. Her father was deeply into researches of other cultures and worlds, and one day he sacrificed her mother to dark ritual, after what Coco run from home and was scared of all occult things for quite a long time. Her self-preservation mechanisms also worked incorrect and finally she got slight amnesia and found herself on the doorstep of "Peklo" caffee.
    So, for now she's mysterious girl of "Peklo" caffee. She still slightly absent-minded and have some troubles with her memory. Because of her past, has a hard time trusting anyone with most information about herself. She will allow them to know the bare minimum, but scratching the surface is near impossible unless she feels extremely close to a person and opens up herself. She currently seeks her destination in life and studies jewelry making.
Age / height / weight
28 h.y.o./170 cm/57 kg
Lawful good / INTJ
Orientation: Straight
Occupation: Jeweler